Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

we pickin up 17 art projects with this one though :fire:

PLSSSSS i already have three on queue :skull: :skull:

Here’s my take on what might happen at Akursius Keep.

During the invasion, as islands are overrun and chaos spreads like wildfire, many Atlanteans find themselves being drawn to the old keep. The aura of madness surrounding the ruined keep acts almost like a beacon, drawing Atlanteans in like a moth to a flame. More and more ships begin surrounding the island, often crashing into each other in the process.

Of course, as there aren’t any humans to hunt, the Atlanteans there quickly turn on each other in a frenzy, the weaker members of their kind being devoured as the strong only grow stronger. The sounds of battle ringing out from the island are often heard by those who sail near, a never-ending cacophany of gnashing teeth and magical blasts.

As more and more Atlanteans arrive, one of them soon stands out above the rest. All challengers it faces are slain, devoured as this champion among beasts grows and mutates with every kill. An eel-like neck for lashing at prey, a hardened shell on its back covered in spikes, and many more mutations as the king of Atlanteans roars in triumph.

It almost never leaves the keep, but when it does, it sows destruction wherever it goes. Entire fleets, Atlantean or otherwise, have fallen victim to its wrath. While the beast has many names, one stands out among the rest. The bane of the Bronze Sea, the titanic monstrosity known as… Martin.




Camp Gladius’s Fall

at first, similar to Silverhold, morale was high. issue is it unlike Silverhold it rapidly decreased incredibly early on, when one day when Larcos and some other soldiers went into town and found the people there dead or mutated.

there was no cheering or drinking, nor was there taunts that they would kick the Atlanteans back to the dark sea and the like.

morale dropped more and more, after a bit, a group of 4 was selected to guard the civilians on the high cliffs, while Larcos would personally guard the enterance to the ruins. these would in the end be the only people to survive.

soon, 5 men were found dead in the mines, alongside the dozens of civilians who had went into hiding there, the 19 men left morale hit the sea floor upon seeing this, especially when 4 more went missing when delving deeper into the mines, all that was found of them was one ripped off arm.

one day, in the dead of night, someone turned, and the other 3 in his tent were dead before they could wake. as people woke to see what happened, they saw the infected man and fought him, managing to put him down after he took out 2 more of them.

the corpses attractred more and more atlanteans, and the men had just accepted they would die at that point. men cried themselves to sleep, some wrote letters to their families in hope they would one day get to read them, some got ready for a final fight.

the last 13 wouldnt last much longer than that, they would build a barricade out of various materials in the main enterance, but soon Atlanteans dropped down from above at the same time as Atlanteans broke through.

it was a killing ground, at the end of it all, only 1 Atlantean stood over the bloody bodies of the mutants and of the men of Camp Gladius.

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martin makes an appearance raaaaaaaahhh

Martin is canon, its joeover.

Now one must wonder, where is rear admiral adkins in all this?

Rear Admiral Adkins mutant form in this universe is Martin fr fr

i will make his aparition in chapter 5.
this is a promise.

A single blast from Martin spins the planet’s rotation back into place

fortunately though, he is a confirmed berserker

sorry, one PUNCH(cue reference), from Martin puts the planet’s rotation back into place


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no way he is a warlock

alright this is insane

edit: nope, we couldn’t even see his attack, he was too fast, the fire was the player’s own phoenix

it’ll be the likes of the AG’s golden armada all over again

how sure are you that it was their own phoenix
psure it would’ve said something with phoenix and not just ‘wall’

I cooked so much that I randomly got regular