Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

I wonder if people with sailor style would have a bit of resistance to the infection. Of course they could still die but maybe it would help

This is pretty much what I was going for! What would you guys be doing in this situation? How would your files be coping with the invasion? Or do you already have a cool Atlantean design for your characters?

i want to make this pretty interactive, while still keeping continuity with an unaffected plotline.


Probably drinking potions this time around. I am not always going to be lucky enough to take down a monstrous atlantean this easily

The vitalarmy (vitality user army) going on a killing spree I suppose

me, personally, Iā€™d probably be working with the Order and researching the Atlanteans, monitoring the Lost Soldiers being held in the facilities.

ā€œAnd as the hoards of Atlanteans approached Vetex, he took a deep breath in and said only one thing.ā€
ā€œUltimate Art: Cataclysm Pulsar!ā€

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I assume the REAL mc died after the story was altered, if so when did he die? Perhaps before leaving frostmill?

You do this by just tanking all of their attacks and shooting them with guns. Spirit weapons will release before they do enough damage to kill you.

and then Unholy Beast saidā€¦

The question remains about which side is more insane, the Atlanteans or the AO player base?

lets just say that the original game IS a player invasion, and judging by the state of the community sometimesā€¦

yeah, iā€™d personally start the infection myself at this rate

Main explosion conjuror file would probably be venturing into the dark sea to try and find a solution to the whole mess. (able to confidently sink heavily armored atlantean brigs)
In doing so theyā€™d also bring back ingredients for potent warding/tide potions and (literally) massive hauls of food.

Second sand conjuror file would be sitting around blasted rock while attacking any stray atlanteans that make their way onto the beaches while occasionally making food runs to mount orthys since blasted rock has 0 food supplies despite probably being one of the safest islands from the horde.
(I canā€™t imagine the fish people like sandstorms or deserts very much)

Third crystal conjuror file would be living nicely on mount orthys and help gather food for other islands since thereā€™s so much space to grow food on orthys.

we also have regen armor on so they literally canā€™t get us below like half :joy:

Obviously the timeline is different here, but in an alternate scenario where the invasion happens after the bronze sea campaign Iā€™m dipping for nimbus cause the bronze sea is pretty much finished after we totally crippled Ravenna. RIP to Neviro bro is gonna regret staying behind.

speaking of Nimbus, that one island that looked like it was made out of entirely shipwrecks that was posted on the Patreon? oh yeah, that place is definitely swarming w/ Atlanteans

Also speaking of Nimbus, if Sameria is the giant desert everyone thinks it is, how do you think Atlanteans will deal with the extreme heat and dryness, or have they brought their terrible weather with them?

Skyhall racists civilians are gonna see this shit and think, ā€œServes you right, ya sea dwelling filth!ā€

Until they get carpet bombed by sirens

Abyss Sea has to be one of the COOLEST things to come out of this community tbh. AO has started to give horror vibes and, while Iā€™m not a huge fan of horror stuff, I love Abyss Sea being AO with horror dialled up to eleven.
Also this gives me EAS vibes tbh
Yaā€™ll keep doing stuff like this, itā€™s cool af

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making their sky islands crash into the sea immediately just for that, AU logic be damned (joke, but hypothetically, if the magic polluted water evaporated into dark sea clouds, how would they affect the sky island clouds that hold them up and power their skyships?)