Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

They’re friendlies anyway

even better :smiling_imp:

max attack size explosion mage vs atlantean dragon on the sky islands:

No not really, its not even an atlantean nor is she an explosion mage, they’re legit 2 besities, the dinosaur guy is basically a dude who mutated himself using an acrimony, a specfic essence, some narwhal horns, a life remnant and a spinosaur skull, and hes stuck like that permanently.

Only explosion mage i know is ruby flynt and you’re confusing the tetanuran with the Unholy beast of the cretaceous

i mean, a max attack size explosion mage does seem to be a good air defense candidate, and you called the piece of art ‘defenders of the skies’

atlantean/fake acrimony real?

It’s more of a thing that was made because i collaberated with more than 1 abyss sea person, so all this shit happens due to that fact, nova is a light and wind mage while silvy (the dinosaur) is a moonlight conjuer

Dude used an alchemical Transformative on himself.

sunken warrior drippy as hell
also the hat is nice

tf? whats that because i assume it doesnt stand for ‘the fuck’ in this context

Transformative. DnD thing, forgot this is a forum for a Roblox game.

guys… martin is here, in the Nimbus Sea
(sadly ship despawned along with martin)


the infection is spreading to nimbus…

I should really stop procrastinating and continue to write the thing I started

I ended up abandoning this idea, and now I have started writing my Abyss Sea

insert fire writing gif

Or you could do these types of stories directly in the Arcane verse

yeah mb imma delete this cuz now that I look at the whole thing I look stupid.

There’s no way I’ll be motivated tmr or the next year to write these.

chat we did it

abyss sea is no longer just an AU


now vetex give us robux /j


the Abyss Sea survivors watching Atlantean Sirens, Dragons, Centaurs, and Satyrs pull up while the already horrifically strong Atlanteans get stronger (they’re so cooked they’re burnt)

I think we should divide the timeline in two parts
First part: Atlantean invasion
Second part: Shit is getting real