Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

anyway check changelogs

Which one?

The magic tattoos one. It’s now my single most liked topic. You don’t even have to look for it, I’m sure someone will bump the thing in the next hour or so. They’ve been doing that for nearly a month now.

I saw the new shieldguard leaks, and I’m definately gonna make an AS story there

The place looks amazing, makes me want to write a story about it getting reduced to ruin

Shieldguard would resist against the atlanteans. Against dragons and other shit that’s coming to the game, I’m not sure

seeing THAT compared to Silverhold is like night and day

I think the Navy lockdown plot i had for Silverhold would work better in a location like this

Is this thread still goated

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it is in fact, very good

can someone explain to me what the "can it breed " incident was im new

Huh what

I have not heard of that incident but i am now somewhat scared

self explanatory i would imagine

show me the original reply

I don’t actually know anything about it i’m just saying it sounds self explanatory


so basically
i asked the stupid question of whether atlanteans could breed or not
since theyre technically human
but also fish people (undyne undertale frfr??)
so can they breed fish/people/other atlanteans, or get bred?

anyways chaos ensued
im not asking stupid questions anymore (i can and i will)

I see-

You are a man of chaos
Now ima just throw some fuel into the fire

They probably can’t actually breed since they are created from the magic mutations of the dark sea

But they might have the ability to attempt it, just fail in the process

ok thanks

Desperate survivors from Silverhold trying to enter Shieldguard only for the Shieldguard garrison to bombard them because their ships were so beat up they couldnt tell who they were from and simply prevented any non-navy ship from entering because of the lockdown:

(they only realized their mistake by the time dozens of desperate marines and refugees were dead)