Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

he is but they are probably really good too

Their head shrinks when they die


Questions a bit stupid, but would that mean that getting attacked with an atlantean weapon count towards infection? I still could not wrap my head on that part

Nope, unless that weapon is covered in like altantean blood or something

Glorious idea you just gave me.

  • Cirrus is currently using their skyships to airdrop resources to islands with groups of survivors
  • Currently, the Cirrus residents are working to upgrade their skyships to be able to descend closer to sea level, in order to conduct rescues, but dont have enough material yet

Considering Sky Ships function thanks to air magic pollution that is normally concentrated within clouds. Since thereā€™s more magic pollution that leaked from the Dark Sea, polluting the bronze sea even more, would this not allow sky ships to fly for longer & perform better? Maybe even allow for new inventions / modified sky ships. Could be used at some point in the story, with a darker twist to it.

To enhance the ship efficiency at absorbing ambiant magic pollution, with barely no arcanium availaible, someone (possible important character or related to the order?) came up with the idea to use atlanteans as a substitute for it.
Getting a fully mutated atlantean? Too dangerous & hard, would cost several lives and ressources.
The answer to this : Manually infecting people with the atlantean infection, specifically mages. Which is why it was decided to send down magic users to guard the stepstones

(The only reason i wrote this was because i want Arish to not just die a brutal gruesome death but be tortured further.)

Or if this seems stupid, the best substitute would be curse users, whom are already losing control of their own power and going insane due to the higher magic pollution reacting with their curse.
Beringer would truely be the first person coming to mind, assuming in the A.U he isnā€™t dead nor kidnapped, he still has the cloud curse and is on Cirrus. Heā€™s also fairly weak due to his laame cloud curse, have him be brutally beat up & turned as a living magic pollution sponge and conduit.

im just dropping stupid ideas

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Since Curse users canā€™t be ā€œactuallyā€ infected / would just instantly die the moment they get infected. How would Curse Inheritances react?
Curse Inheritances are bits of magic power from the sea curse of someone when they have kids, examples being Neviro siblings & Calvus.

Possible Advantage:
Since they remain related to curses, they would provide users with a natural resistance to the infection.

Possible Downside:
It could make them even weaker to the magic pollution, like how curse users attract the catastrophe of the element they are & incarnate, Curse Inheritances users would be experiencing loss of control over their spells or possibly be harmed by it / become weaker to that curse element.

Considering inheritances have to be manually activated / combined with another magic to enhance it, then the downsides & advantages would only be active during the usage of it.

Why did Calvus get infected?
Because he was, according to Vetex ā€œa trash savant with bad stat allocation, being surprisingly weak for a kingā€, so his inheritance usage was affected as an human.

What happens if curse inheritance users get infected?
The infection mutations become unstable, causing the new atlantean to be much more deformed & weakened. The curse energy running through their bodies conflicting with the mutations caused by magic pollution.

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Maybe not Cirrus, but there is definitely an organization out there that is forming similar ideasā€¦

My char with a damn library of magic researches on Cirrus:

uh I have a chef guy

Warden funny

Magicless scum

Chef is good, more food

watch yo tone mf Iā€™m canonically older than you

(and still better)

I actually want to kill magic users

and this is why

you guys are annoying and youā€™re also dying out so I may as well accelerate the process

great news for u

magic users are more susceptible to mutation and mutate faster than non magic users

gg ez warden winning

And yet those very same magic users are guarding Cirrus. Cause we can do thisā€¦

(explosion impact damage is like just average so that pillar explosion probably just tickles compared to something like metal or earth)

Explosion+Ash = petrified statues

stuns are getting nerfed :exploding_head:

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