Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

Tobias Cynthia Gael would like to know your location.

Does Megan have a choice?
Her whole library is on Cirrus, plus she can now openly experiment with atlantean corpses :slight_smile:

sky weed is real

I mean the small amount of warriors who make up the alliance at this point canā€™t really force anyone to do anything but theyā€™re doing their best :nod:

totally missed this part, u guys rlly a different type of evil :sob::sob: u made this au 100Ɨ more horrific than it had to be

ā€¦please keep doing that

Warriors as in fighters, not as in magicless


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Was any progress made on a trello to keep track of characters and groups yet?

cant yall just make a discord with tupperbox

Tupperbox is bot for discord server that allows you to ā€œspeakā€ as your character

ill definitely consider looking into making one, but i have no experience with the site so it may take a bit :sob:

if anyone wants to make one, go ahead! id be willing to look over the info posted there

I feel like weā€™d just end up with a less organised attempt at RBO if that happened

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that and i simply cannot stand discord, i feel like everything gets lost in there (plus, im not abt to be caught using it in public :sob:)


I was too based to be invited zamn

Do you have Palo Town cargo-trading business? No.
Do you have library of self made magic researches? No.
Do you have copy of lost Randalā€™s books? No.
Are you a mage? No.
Do you know how to grow sky-plants? Probably, but no.

I have a ravenna route :person_shrugging:

I actually go outside :exploding_head: you should try it

I donā€™t think heā€™d be very pleased to hear this information

you act like this is a bad thing :joy:

I helped Louis nebula so now Iā€™m an expert

the man himself threw a bunch of his books on the seven seasā€™ seas, signed every single one of them too

You can join if you want just donā€™t get into fights with Megan

mad cuz bad (magic is lame)

(also you have a higher mutation chance so gg)

your whole thing is to survive getting hit by atlanteans, your special power is to commit suicide