Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

I can use a 10+ drawback build and still end up with more HP than everyone else combined

New Character for the Cirrus Chapter

Aiedail, The Soulless. Fifth of the Hexagon.

Name sourced from the inheritance cycle.
A martial artist (sorry) who cast their soul away thousands of years ago with another five friends in order to strengthen their power.
Although the rest of the Hexagon are long dead, Aiedail fell asleep under the sea at some point. They woke up at the start of the apocalypse thatā€™s going on right now, beat up a few abhorrent abominations in confusion, and made their way to the stepstones, fighting their way up through the hoards of Atlanteans.
Now theyā€™re in the care of Tobias Cynthia, living on nothing but trace magic energy and a dream. Hope this wonā€™t go wrong.

you will still be the first one to get infected, what is the point of having 10.000 hp if you are still affected by the atlantean mutation

Who said Iā€™m gonna be on the frontlines? I have ranged skills yā€™know.

mages have it worse

we are literally living breathing artilleries

(that are significantly more susceptible to infection)

its like arguing with a ape suffering of comatoseā€¦


mages losing!!1!

I hate magic users gg

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i can play the game without having to wait until the end of the year

guys stop fighting ur all gonna die :sob::sob:

kid named hybrid class

nah iā€™m killin that mf myself before they come for us

being a vitality hybrid is effectively the same thing as running a defense build except you deal even less damage

I donā€™t care

the fact Iā€™m self nerfing myself makes me inherently stronger than you by default

(and in this AU I have my full kit anyways so erm gg newbbbb!1!1!1!)

your logic makes as much sense as your favorite build

warden winning

(you literally canā€™t spell it without the W)

(because that would make ā€œardenā€)

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keep coping

okay mage player

imagine being actually so bad you mutate faster and you need to shit yourself to recharge your energy bar

you know what else is funny? literally every magic sucks and the only redeemable one (mud) was scrapped, smh waste of a stat route