Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

Do you eat Atlanteans? No
Do you have several cults about some eldritch continent sized creature? No
Are you insane? No(, not yet?)
Do you have lightning magic to deal +40% dmg to atlanteans and paralyse them thanks to soaked? No.
Are you ready to experiment on yourself because its funny? No.

Clearly, my lightning water mage is better

(you will be turned into an infected and used experimented on)

If it means enchancing magic abilities - sure.
There was experiment with making arcanium dust and putting in humanā€™s bloodflow. It sadly failed, but while subject lived, they did radiated more magic.
Lets ignore internal bleedings and magic basicly burning veins from inside out

that doesnā€™t change the fact you are actively killing yourself to use your powers (imagine not living at least 500 years)

Snorting the ā€œArcaniumā€ ā€œdustā€ mixed with cursed mushrooms and crushed up Atlantean bones

I donā€™t get why like this is a bad thing considering spirit weapons are on par with magic in terms of power

and considering how much HP I have this really doesnā€™t bother me since I donā€™t even run drawback

now that I really think about it, warriors are the strongest class.

I mean like warriors are the only class that can actually stand a chance against a curse user (devourers) + weapons can be made to counter every other class (including vitality sadly)

My Guy would be fine, Victorā€™s Devine Effects would help Silverthorn and his crew from turning or going insane, Silverthorn would pretty much protect his crew for as long as he can, he survived 2 months in the dark sea, he can certainly survive as long as he doesnā€™t come across Argos, Merlot, Kai, Or Martin, Especially Martin. by now heā€™s probably evacuated a fair amount of survivors to the nimbus sea so heā€™d be fine Iā€™d say.

Well the guy from the story I wrote/Iā€™m writing is one of my files

Iā€™d also like to add that my guy purposely sinks atlantean brigs for sport, Iā€™m pretty sure heā€™d be very fine

weapons can also infect as long as thereā€™s atlantean essence on it, like perhaps blood

i dunno man, my infected variant of Silverthorn seems to have a pet starfish, can i pet their shoulder starfish?

lore update: Atlantean Argos in my one art topic was at Stage 2 of mutation, ā€œLesser Mutated,ā€ which explains him retaining more of his human body

the design by @Mr_Mxyzptlk is his Stage 3 design, and he is an Unholy Beast (cause i had to make that design canon to the AU, if u dont mind)

ofc ofc, just wear some gloves maybe so it dont bite u

probably a stealth group aswell since there would likely be alot of atlanteans patrolling the seas

hell yeah warrior mains rise up

donā€™t worry i always wear glov-

youch that doesnā€™t lool good


mages be like ā€œah yes look at my cool powers I can shit out of my butthole using this dopey looking glowy circleā€ and warriors be like ā€œbro stfu this is the hoodā€ and then the mage gets shot up with a musket

Akursis keep, Martinā€™s Domain

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