Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

since mirage is uncomfy ima answer.
I dont think they can fuck around assuming they are just very mutated humans not actual fishpeople

Assuming the male atlantean didnt murk the woman and everything down there works like normal, sure although the child would probably be a weird hybrid

And the other way around? The female atlanteans body would kill the hypothetical child because the fetus might (90%) be considered as a foreign object

So no, Atlanteans cannot commit fishcest, & a male atlantean could make human female pregs but atlantean female would kill the fetus

rather not have ANYONE answer, and my aversion was not an invitation to let ppl do it for me – dont rlly want a topic like this within the AU


“Bla bla bla can atlanteans fuck-”
Blah Blah Blah GIF - Blah Blah Blah GIFs

Is it mutation?
It is a mutation.

How big of a mutation is it?
Whole body is being altered.

Would atlanteans even consider giving offsprings?
As far as im aware they are canibals, they are going in packs of ships or staying on island, and attacking intruders. So eh, depending on context.

What are the chances of mamal body being forced to turn into fish-like body, being able to have a healthy offspring?
Ig 0

What is the LAST POSSIBLE stage for offsprings?
I think Lesser-Mutated is the border variant, as after that, body is getting altered too far.

If lesser mutated are only last possible stage for offsprings, would lost sailors consider it?
Hell no, they just want to survive. But the ‘cursed seas’ mutate them


Bro, they are trying to survive, the last they think about is making little atlanteans.

bro im so happy for this whole abyss sea thing keep it up its amazing and the best thing ive seen from any community ive been in


Ah yes, fish-sex…Best thing from any community

this is my final straw

for the last time, dont fucking answer it or even consider entertaining the question💀

okay im sorry :pensive: i let my curiosity get the better of me

This is going to be the last answer of that... Question.

Think of it as the Forced Evolution Virus from Fallout. The side effect of that virus is that can’t reproduce as they are now infertile from being forcibly mutated to be the “next evolution of humanity”.

This logic can be applied here. They are now mutated beyond the point of no return that their reproductive systems are now irreparably damaged and therefore cannot reproduce.

So no, they cannot reproduce and they never will. Like the mutants from Fallout, they will die off with no children."

Moving on from that, has anyone made a system that nerfs OCs to be more believable for future writing?


never change, ao forums :pray:

dude. ive said it twice already

anyways the only current rule for OCs is that they cannot be exact rips from the game (you make a new version of your oc that exists in this universe, not taking your canon oc and placing them in abyss)

power scaling is based off of user preferences, and hopefully people recognize that an overpowered character is boring af

the mother would probably be mutated idk i only read this stuff for like 10 min and the egg would probably not accept the atlantean



I think overpowered characters should be placed in situations where overpowering the enemy will not solve the problem/make things worse. Let’s say you have a character that is strong enough to destroy a mountain in one punch, and you put them on a ship in the middle of the sea surrounded by Atlanteans. They’d have to control their strength to not destroy the ship, ESPECIALLY if they have allies on that ship, because destroying that ship means even if you kill all the Atlanteans, you’ll be stranded.

This forces character development. If the character doesn’t use their full power, their allies will be in danger, but if they still do use their full power, it could still make the situation worse. And again, if they’re alone, they can still shoot themselves in the foot by destroying their own ship.

Unless you make a TOTALLY overpowered character that can swim from Redwake to Ravenna in two minutes. Your overpowered character should have at least one weakness, and it should be a reasonable and interesting one.

Maybe they can’t swim, or maybe they have a moral restrictions. Perhaps they can’t use their full power because of an environmental condition. Something interesting, you know?


Tbh, this is basically the situation with curse users, so if anyone has an OC with a Sea Curse, this is how it should be approached.

But in general, for all other OCs, its recommended to be concious that this isnt the AO theyre used to, and is meant to be a way to imagine existing characters in new situations

Question. My character is rich self proclamed ‘scientist’ who had spent weeks in Dark Sea in search of Epicenter. Does she fall under the same rule?
(Bro wanted to become stronger and was like ‘hm, where can i get stronger? Hm…Oh, probably the source of all pollution in the whole world!’)

Id say that she works already pretty well in this setting, probably would even thrive in here

the invasion would open up a ton of new opportunities to gain power and notoriety

Can I have some of Scientist Woman’s spells for a fight I’m writing on Cirrus

wind mage catapult