Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

Waiting for the day a roleplay server for the Abyss AU comes out so I can finna roleplay on my no. 1 playable OC :pray:

if thatā€™s something a good amount of people want, Ill definitely consider it


200 size explosion-ash mage, pale as death itself, racist towards non-magic users, wants to ā€œfixā€ non-magic users, has whole library on cirrus of her magic-researches, copies of books from DS and Randal.
Litteraly ā€œcorpseā€ held by magic itself and who wants to advance magic in the War Seas by all cost. About 2 meters tall and looks like sheā€™s in 40s
Aaaand once was a CEO of Palo Town trading company ā€˜Waterway Logisticā€™

^ Megan Water



All spells are just right hand, and its done intentionaly
ā€˜Bombā€™ - sphere blast
ā€˜Detonationā€™ - Hammer placed explosion
ā€˜Spearā€™ - 5 pulse javelin
ā€˜Leapā€™ - 1 leap jump
ā€˜Explosionā€™ - self explosion (i spam it aaaall the time whenever someone gets close, lmao)
ā€˜Combustionā€™ - Destruction Aura
ā€˜Cometā€™ - 200% 0.5 surge
ā€˜Sparkā€™ - 20% surge


All left hands
ā€˜Ashā€™ - blast
ā€˜Ignitionā€™ - 3 placed shockwave explosions
ā€˜Javelinā€™ - 5 pulse javelin
ā€˜Hoverā€™ - 5 leaps
ā€˜Abyssā€™ - Pillar self explosion
ā€˜Smogā€™ - Snare
ā€˜Cindersā€™ - 20 blast
ā€˜Pulseā€™ - 2 beam


ā€œIā€™ll answer hanmbiā€™s silly little question and then go take a napā€
The 2 hours of discourse that followed:

i feel attacked

not discourse, just ppl not listening to my requests :sob: thats a weird question to ask the creator of an AU whos age you dont know

she doesnā€™t even use spirit weapons sheā€™s basically just a lobotomized berserker

Oh, my bad

Bruh chill i went to school :sob::sob:

I kinda want to see what sort of fights people can make when fighting my eldritch horrors atlanteans

They have clear weaknesses and arenā€™t overpowered if you kill them as a team

Will the atlanteans (and mutated people) accept my alphabet soup? (Trade offer income, I reserve Samples to make a possible cure, you receive alphabet soup)

they will accept alphabet soup with a side of. you

:smiley: yayyyyyyyy

The atlanteans got fed up of being cooked, so they decided to turn the tables

Welll those last 50 message were somethingā€¦

nothing happened here guys

this is not reflective of the average abyss sea experience

weā€™re gonna have to ignore those last 50 and move on to a better topic
like how fast an average mutated atlantean would blend

guys donā€™t worry itā€™s only 10x worse!!!

Maybe the abyss sea was the communities along the way

@Mirage, here are some plans I have for future characters

(this whole thing is half cooked. Iā€™m writing this at 12:00 PM at midnightā€¦ so if there are spelling errors or if the idea is just trash in general itā€™s prob because Iā€™m mildly sleep deprived)
The Legendary Hero, Hercules Zhou

Hercules Zhou is, as his title suggests, a legendary hero. Heā€™s mostly known for being the first man in the Bronze Sea to ever hold a white eyes mouth open, and since then heā€™s only gotten stronger.

Iā€™d describe him as a berserker that takes elements from every fighting style and applies them to his own. Swiftness of boxing, sturdiness of Iron Leg, foundations of Basic Combat, and adaptability of Thermo Fist. He technically would use Basic Combat, but heā€™s fast enough for someone to mistake him for a boxing user, and two of his main forms of attacking are powerful kicks.

Heā€™d be at Palo Town at the time of the invasion, fighting alongside Commodore Kai against a ginormous horde of Atlanteans. Iā€™d like for it to be that there are so many Atlanteans that Hercules doesnā€™t actually know that Kai is even nearby until much later.

Iā€™d imagine heā€™d overestimate Kai, maybe let him take down a bit too many Atlanteans on his own. Or maybe heā€™d be overwhelmed by Atlanteans before he can save Kai from his doom.

The more interesting one Iā€™ve thought of is introducing an extremely, unnaturally powerful Atlantean to Palo Town- one that was attracted to the island by the sounds of war and the glaring beams of magic energy shooting out from it. This Atlantean would not be ā€œMartinā€- but still unnaturally strong, especially for the stage of the invasion the Bronze Sea is in. This Atlantean would be native to the 4th Insanity range, so at most around 400~ levels. The Legendary Hero would be able to hold his own against it, but heā€™d have to put all his effort into defeating this Atlantean- meaning he has to leave Kai alone.

It might seem strange for Kai to have survived this long and then suddenly die to the same Atlanteans heā€™s been killing for the past few hours, but Iā€™m sure heā€™d probably be more exhausted at this point. And earlier on, he was accompanied by his fellow marines- and a few NPC Admirals who went AWOL not too long after the horde starting growing bigger and bigger.

Perhaps Hercules would defeat the Atlantean, but would be too exhausted to be able to account for both Kai and himself in battle. Kai would be dead on the ground not too far away, and Hercules would spare only have a second to grieve. Now struggling to fight against the rest of the horde, an Infeced Commodore Kai would rise up against the Legendary Hero.

He might understand that this battles outcome is inevitable. Why didnā€™t he run earlier? Maybe there were still many survivors at Palo Town. Maybe he was guarding them, making sure theyā€™d leave the island safely while attracting as many Atlanteans as possible.

A suicide mission, obviously, but the life of one for the life of many would be worth it in his eyes. I can imagine Hercules standing at the top of a pile of dead Atlantean bodies, staring into the now soulless eyes of Commodore Kai. More Atlanteans would tumble over each other, pouring into Palo Town. There would be many dead Atlantean bodies lying around, but the horde seems to regenerate back to its. With every Atlantean killed, another two rise up.

Hercules would understand this, and as the infected Kai would dash to Hercules in an attempt to behead him, he would use his last Ultimate Art to destroy himself and as many Atlanteans he can.

The stronger ones may survive, so Kai wouldnā€™t die- but they would be decently injured. A couple thousand more Atlanteans would definitely die. I think Iā€™d call Herculesā€™ last resort a ā€œSelf Destructā€ technique.

Maybe Commodore Kai wouldnā€™t be completely infected at this time. Maybe heā€™d have an open flesh wound, and as Hercules and Kai stand back to back, fending off Atlanteans, the two of them would come to an understanding of what will soon happen.

The two heroes might think they should both die at once, for if they BOTH became Atlanteans, they would surely be a huge problem for the entire Bronze Sea. Hercules might get it and rip his own heart out, but something within Kaiā€™s mind might stop himself from piercing his own stomach.

The insanity would probably have already taken control, and it would trump over what Kai knows he has to do. I can imagine his veins turning purple, and his eyes becoming a darker red- extremely bloodshot.

Hercules would either die an unsung death after hours and hours of fighting or a heroic death, some kind of a magnum opus to his final moments.


-and now I realize I said ā€œfuture charactersā€, but I donā€™t feel like writing the restā€¦

Anyway, I hope to make this entire thing here a comic. I donā€™t know when Iā€™ll get to it, but I know that I will definitely do it at some point.