Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU


the idea that some powerful warriors who got infected would resort to going out on their own terms to protect others from their wrath when theyre no longer in control of their actions is heartbreaking, and definitely a concept that id like to explore

also palo town becoming a king of the hill type area with hordes and hordes of Atlanteans coming at you from all sides is just an epic image

i literally cannot WAIT to see this all in a visual format, i just know ur gonna cook so hard

Palo town Vs. 5 Sizemaxxing metal mages

My character can jump across that

chops @Loreloverhere ’s arm off

+4 cfist spammers

I am resisting the urge to create more abyss sea related stories (it is just that interesting of a concept)

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Rip to all people in Palo town cause there land is being targeted :sob:

AHHH- disappears

what happened to pomegranate island

Month 8 of the Abyss, Cirrus Island.

[ABYSS SEA] Cirrus Chapter: What I thought to be the Finale of It All - Writing - Arcane Odyssey

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dooooo itttttt

I managed to encounter a fairly accurate representation of what this AU might be like while in the dark sea today. Within about 10 minutes of entering insanity 1 there were 11 atlantean ships. Only 5 of which actually got sunk before my friend decided that it was too dangerous. My ship lost a third of its health but we did survive.

vetex is lurking in this topic real

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You heard of the sharko rumbling. Now get ready for the Atlantean rumbling

(full sentence)

hehehe made this today >:))))

you’ll see it in four days

watch bro forget to post it

you know me too well