Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

The Mutants of Winterveil’s people

During the Winterveil Extermination, many sought refuge within the Dark Sea, hoping to either somehow sail far away in hopes of finding a light (another sea cluster or just an island untouched by magic pollution) in it’s darkness, a way to get the other parts of the War Seas without passing Ravenna or hunkering down until Ravenna stopped hunting them down.

These hopes, would be extinguished by unending rain.

Over time, many of these refugees would mutate into Atlanteans or into fall to the various dangers of the Dark Sea.

Sadly, the deaths of these refugees did not stop more from following in their footsteps, and eventually nearly all of Winterveil’s citizens had been forced into the Dark Sea by Ravenna in some form.

The mutated inhabitants of Winterveil would be the first mutants to land on the shores of Ravenna, and sought to neither feed or infect. As revenge for being hunted down like dogs oh so many years ago, the mutants slaughtered every single living being they found in their way.

Perhaps to exact even more suffering upon the Ravennean royal family, instead of just outright killing Calvus, a mutant instead deliberately infected Calvus, which would later cause him to end the lives of his own sons.

Winterveil mutants range in what their based off of, but generally seem to be based off of fish the live in the Artic and Antarctic oceans.

Additionally, they all seem to have a strange chilling effect on their attacks, even with hot magics and fighting styles like thermo fist. It’s as if their resentment has taken the form of a bitter cold.

Any that do have weapons seem to have weapons contantly covered in snow and ice, and the armor they wear seemed to have been modified by this snow and ice. Those who use these armaments seem to be much more weak to frostbite and hypothermia.

Lastly, those infected by Winterveil mutants have an additional quirk added on to their infection. They will experience brutal frostbite at the point of infection and around it. They will also be under the effects of immense hypothermia even in the warmest of enviroments.

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“Revenge is best served cold”
Attacks does extra damage to Ravenneans

I like to think Winterveil/Frostmill is constantly under arcanium rain (Giant snowballs falling from the sky)

honestly good for them get ur revenge winterveilians!!

I haven’t written in awhile so let’s see if this is good

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thats so sad!

literally Gojo Satoru, they are at their strongest when alone :fire:

its right there, sitting in my drafts, just waiting to be sent out…

Are OC’s going to be added to the Trello soon? It’s getting hard to keep track of all these characters.

I might have people format their OC bios in a similar way to how the canon characters are listed in the Trello (the only completed one is Iris’s) to have a bit more order

basically I want people to list their OCs Status (Health or Level of Infection), Insanity Level, and Current Whereabouts (Can add multiple if their story is overarching)

for now, I’ll copy and paste their bios written here into the Trello

me omw to write bios for my oc’s knowing full well that im going to write the most depressing shit for 2 of them:

Would insanity level be how insane they actually are or specifically the dark sea sort of insanity?

wait for real?

It is basically like a sanity scale for the characters, where the levels of the insanity effect in game correlate with a percentage

aka Insanity 0 would be 100 % sanity, and Insanity 5 would be 0% (give me a number 0-5)

so technically both

Technically both means that it isn’t exclusively insanity caused by magic. That’s good because I can actually do something with that.

one can also go insane by traditional means, you say?

back in my day we used to go insane the ol fashioned way

Question again, since we got the mini bosses out of the way, What about the storyline bosses? How are they holding up? (Also, if mutated, say how hostile they are)

jermiah the bounty hunter is doing okay, he stubbed his toe on a baby atlantean a while ago but hes fine