Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

I think all of the main bosses statuses are on the trello :+1::+1:

except for shura, shura’s whereabouts are currently unknown

currently the only mutated boss is argos, and he is very aggressive

oh wait and cernyx too, but he only attacks when someone steps into his territory

Would you guys care if I made the comic in paper format? Or would it just be better to do it online?

I’m probably going to have to practice digital art in the meantime, but I can assure you that my traditional art is actually pretty good. Digital might take longer(since it’s gotta look good), while paper might be a bit more messy/hard to see.

oc schizo status since why not

Cmdr. Matthew Barion

Status - Alive, Healthy

Insanity- 0, but Depressed.

Whereabouts - Silverhold —> Seas between the West Jaws and Eastern Pelion Rift —> Skycliff Island

Originally stationed at the Dark Sea border when the invasion started, he and his crew booked it to Silverhold and would bunker down there for a while. Over time, he and his crew became less and less trusting of the other marines as tensions grew in the base. Once supplies began to run dangerously low they would desert.

After sailing north and collecting some fruit from Mango Isle and Elm Island, alongside saying hello to Edward who was just chilling there, Matthew and his crew would proceed to head off to the empty seas west of the Jaws. During his time there, he would marry one of his closest friends and met another ship captain hiding out in the same area during the wedding. Unfortunately, in the weeks following his best friend McPherson would be poisoned by a traitorous crew member, by the time this was found it was already too late for McPherson.

Shortly after this incident Matthew began drafting up plans to make it up the Stepstones. This plan, was successful. Unfortunately, it also came at the cost of his ship, 1/6th of his crew, and 2 of his closest friends. The plan was relatively basic. Most of the people aboard the ship would wait on one of the rocks near the base of the Stepstones, while a skeleton crew of volunteers led the Atlanteans at the base away.

After he watched his ship sail off in the distance, along with the Atlanteans, they would swim to the Stepstones, and made their way up. They would encounter light resistance along the way, though a marine with wind magic just sent them flying down. Upon reaching Cirrushe would talk with the G.N forces up there, discussing events at sea level. He then took the next ship to Skycliff and would never turn back.

Though technically not insane, his mental health has taken quite a toll. His failure to protect the seas has filled him with an unending sense of failure. The loss of his ship, his life’s work, shut off any motivation to do anything but find a nice place to live for him and his family. He’s also experiencing major survivors guilt since 3 out of 4 of his closest friends are now dead. From a man with a constant smile on his face in the darkest times to a man who smile is only shown on the brightest of moments.

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now THATS a nicely formatted OC bio if ive ever seen one

another formatted OC bio (i totally definitely didn’t just rip this directly from my actual post yup uh huh please notice me senpai i beg you)

Arthur Galleon, The Infernal Deadeye, Sentinel of the Harvest Coalition & Captain of The Excalibur
Status - Alive, uninfected
Insanity - 0. Not insane, thanks to the Warding gear that his expeditionary force has.
Whereabouts - Harvest Island —> Dark Sea, sailing to the Epicentre in hopes of ending the invasion.
A sarcastic but easygoing mercenary, transformed through the hardships of the invasion to a loyal and responsible leader.

Charlotte Emilia Stokes, The Blazing Dreadnought, Sentinel of the Harvest Coalition & Co-Captain of The Excalibur
Status - Alive, uninfected
Insanity - 0. Also not insane. Warding is love Warding is life.
Whereabouts - Harvest Island —> Dark Sea
A pirate queen that puts on a cold, hostile front, which hides her true identity as a kindhearted leader.
Note - they need to get a room

Arthur used to be a bounty hunter before the invasion of the War Seas, tracking down pirate queen Charlotte. Both used Fire magic and were proficient in weaponry, so each of their battles were a test of who was simply better in their shared abilities.

When the Atlanteans began invading, both were duelling at Harvest Island, until they spotted a small fleet of Navy, Syndicate, Ravenna, and Merchant ships all being followed in the distance by a sinister-looking squadron of frigates, barques, and barques - all led by a massive ship of the line, with… something utterly incomprehensible at the front of the armada. In that moment, both realized they were in something bigger than themselves.

As the human ships quickly docked, the captains and officers of every ship begged the pair to help them. Their clash of fire and steel was what convinced the crews that the two were powerful warriors, hopefully able to drive the monsters back.

Sarlovèze, who had allowed the pair to duel as long as they didn’t disturb him, came out of his hut and offered assistance. The humans hastily created a plan and fortified the island, arming themselves with cannons, muskets, and any scraps of firepower they could find. They decided to utilize the massive whirlpools in the center of the island, funneling the Atlanteans into the water to drown and crush them. Any survivors would be barraged by magic and ammunition.

Despite heavy losses in a devastating battle, the humans managed to drive back the thousand-strong force. Five hundred humans stained the grass with blood in their eternal rest, and eight hundred more monsters lay at the bottom of the sea. Arthur and Charlotte awakened their true power as Conjurers; Sarlovèze awakened as a Berserker and learned Boxing from an infected Souvella before she sailed a caravel loaded with gunpowder into the heart of the remaining fleet.

In their brief respite, volunteers from all walks of life sailed back out to sea, returning with ships damaged or missing outright, but with more humans to turn Harvest Island from an island to a fortress on the same level as Silverhold. Any infectious outbreaks were quelled by who would be known as the Three Sentinels, working tirelessly to ensure the survival of the Harvest Coalition.

The humans had to innovate and adapt, making strides in weaponry. Flintlocks and muskets paved the way for modern revolvers, lever-actions, and coach guns - their one advantage against the beasts was intellect and superior firepower. The Atlanteans had not given up on claiming Harvest Island, though. An unfaltering siege meant that the humans constantly had to repel assault after assault.

Arthur and Charlotte decided they had to leave. Too many humans knew the Sentinels’ lives were infinitely more valuable, sacrificing themselves to ensure the leadership of Harvest Island stayed strong. Morale plummeted every day as hardened veterans began dying out, and less refugees managed to break through the blockade.

In the dead of night, the two conjurers, along a staunchly loyal crew with powerfully enchanted gear, set out on Arthur’s personal ship: The Excalibur. The heavily armed ship of the line smashed through the blockade, opened fire on every beast they saw, and sailed off to the Epicenter in hopes of finding a way to end the invasion. Sarlovèze remained as the leader of the Harvest Coalition, one of the few remaining strongholds in the Bronze Sea.

Nobody has seen the other two Sentinels since - but sometimes rescued sailors swear they can see a roaring inferno cutting swathes through Atlantean ships, far off in the horizon.

Wait fuck come on i came up with better titles for them change that pls im so dumb

i am a raft in an ocean of shame

Siren Adoptions

when the poor souls of Winterveil entered the Dark Sea for salvation, they brought their infants and children with them. many of these young children would perish or mutate, although occasionally another scenario would play out.

whenever a ship crashed onto a Siren Rock, it would be rapidly overrun by the Sirens inhabiting it. this would end in them killing everyone aboard, however there was exemption to this rule. infants and on occasion toddlers were adopted. typically, these children would be girls, though males adopted by the sirens at times.

these children would take up their adoptive mothers behaviors. additionally, instead of turning to Atlanteans, they would turn into Sirens themselves overtime. any male child adopted would technically also gain these mutations as well, but would instead be put to guard the treasures their sisters and mothers collected.

the adopted children still had some differences from their mothers, such as being able to use magics their mothers, though seeing as most adopted children were of Winterveil descent, they generally just used ice, water, and snow. additionally, many had trinkets from their real families, though they either did not know the origin of the trinkets or simply didn’t care that their mothers killed their real family.

of the adopted children of the Sirens, the majority were of Winterveil descent, while the others came from all over the War Seas, with a notable incident being when a parent left their infant in a Skyship, left the ship while it’s sails were up, and ended with the Skyship crashing into a Siren Rock, scaring the shit out of the Sirens living there. that child would end up being a lightning magic wielding Siren.


human x siren fanfic is real

this is actually what happened to Neviro guys, he became a siren

Neviro sailing out of the Dark Sea on a mission to murder the Ravennan Royal family using a spear made by his adoptive mothers and his ability to fly:

okay i said that as a joke before, why is that actually so sick

angel of death neviro real



“Though I may a son of the Siren’s and no longer a son of Winterveil, the crimes your family have committed against its people and my old family are unforgivable to even a person unrelated to all of this. For these crimes, for the souls of Winterveil your family damned to die, you and everyone you love will PERISH!

transforms into his Siren form

Neviro to Revon



Neviro when Arthur walks in with about 14 coins and his revolver

sidenote do you think someone is actually ballsy enough to succeed in marrying a siren while remaining human

ballsy? ask the forumers

succeed however…


and then bro P ranks him

(PSA: I’m cooking up something if anyone was wondering)

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Argos probably tried to lock himself up to protect his men from himself after infection, but started going insane and eventually broke out before his voice failed him.


"T̸H̸I̴S̶ ̵P̴R̴I̷S̴O̷N̴

T̵͈̤͚͍͎̅̆̅̓̌Ơ̴̗͗ ̵͙͍̌̀̿̄H̵̹̖̮͍̰̘͈̣̠̃̅̔͝Ö̴̻͍́̾͌̔L̶̖̗̘͕͇̖͚͈̋̽D̷̢̛̩̺͓̓̈́̌̋̚͜



“So, do you have any hobbies?”
I want to eat your flesh!
“Weird hobby, but my mama said to not judge people by their interests.”

“Come on, isn’t it time you settled down with a nice siren man and not that… thing?

“But mother, I love him!”

‘Him’ is an ordinary man named John Sailor.