Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

Siren slice of life anime confirmed

i have a coin, my fist and a dream
and like 400 agility but dont mind that

Sirens going into a relationship with a “I can make him worse” mentality, blissfully unaware of how fucked up they are

“i can fix her” - John Sailor

and he actually does it

Siren gets invited to a nice dinner out on Ravenna, realizes that human-made food is way better than human flesh.

technically human flesh is human made but we’re gonna gloss over that in favour of a nice steak dinner

Arthur realizing trolling Neviro until he gets mad is a valid strategy

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main cast shenanigans still real in AS


I was literally thinking of Minos Prime when I wrote this

ballsy enough? yeah

succeeding in marrying? I mean, maybe

remaining human? nope

bro is gonna reach HEAVEN when he tries garlic bread


A flare breathing siren is totally not scary trust me

too late


how did this go from a joke to Siren Neviro getting raptured after eating garlic bread

average abyss sea experience

this is what happens when i leave the fate of an AU in the hands of a community (its fucking beautiful)

garlic bread was secretly the cure all along

The cruel unforgiving nature of the dark seas Vs. A single slice of garlic bread

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Siren Neviro after eating garlic bread vs King Calvus after eating his kids

who wins

its a close match i have to say :thinking: :thinking: