Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU


nothing is ever temporary.

Frick you.

Nah, I’d Magic Limb.
but then again it does give insanity

got bored so im going to write more detail on my take of how Whitesummit dealt with the invasion and its collapse.

all assassins in the bronze were instantly recalled to Whitesummit to hold it and fuck-ton of criminals came in looking for safety.

after a decent amount of Atlanteans came in, they barricaded most of the enterances to Blackwater Grotto (the Red Corner and the Port enterances) and only let people in through the Red Corner enterance, using the Red Corner as a quaratine zone to check for signs of infection before letting them into the grotto, or kicking them out if they had been infected.

every now and again, a group would be sent out to fish in the pond to refill their food stocks, these groups were guarded by a handful of assassins and Merlot. Rill Hendrix also stayed on guard as an overwatch, telling them when it was safe to fish and when to run back to the Grotto.

Unfortunely, during one of these trips, Kai’s ship crashed into Whitesummit, spilling out a horde of infected Palo Town citizens and marines, alone with Kai himself.

before Rill could tell the group that was outside to run back the Grotto, he got swarmed by a bunch of infected citizens (and ONLY the citizens). meanwhile a swarm of marines led by Kai descended upon the fishing group, killing most and mutating a few (Merlot and some assassins).

the swarm then found the only enterance to the Grotto that wasnt patched up (the one hole in the wall near the pond with a drop) and went down it. Whitesummit proceeded to become a killing ground, with those in the Grotto having no where to run, and those leaving it getting swarmed as soon as they got outside.

meanwhile Rill had managed to fight off the swarm of infected citizens, however had been badly infected, and soon fell to his infection. honestly, dunno what he should have for his atlantean form right now.


please get bored more often, you’re so good at writing these tragic situations. I kept on hoping they’d all be okay but of course, things all went south for the Syndicate :sob:

great, this is what i will put in the chapter 0

next up is a detailed description of how redwake slowly died out from all the fish in the jaws dying out, until a desparate fisherman who left to find food, got infected, and used his fractured memories to navigate the jaws and infect the population since they were too weak to fight back.

Got inspired by KNDY2009’s stuff so here’s my take on how Frostmill would handle the invasion.

Atlanteans might first pop up through the underwater entrance to the ice mines if they can swim there, killing the ice smugglers before moving on to the rest of the populace.

Most people would try and flee, but some like the frost brigands (and Iris, if she happens to be there), would try and fight back. However, they eventually become overwhelmed and have to either flee or risk being infected/killed.

Enizor would try to help out, but since he’s not really a fighter, most he can do is brew potions to help people. However, the influx of magic energy would cause him to awaken his snow magic, using it to try and fight back, but he would eventually end up getting infected during a battle.

Enizor would flee up to the higher levels of the island, allowing him to absorb even more magic as he mutates. His snow magic would go out of control as he turns into a sea-lion type creature that patrols the island, hunting anything he encounters.


you guys are literally the coolest

just the fact that you’re already playing off of each other’s ideas and expanding a barely fleshed out AU so quickly is so astonishing to watch in real time!!


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thanks! always wanted to do a scenario like this

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i am disappointed on how fast and short i was, but i am proud of what i made… hope you guys enjoy it (check new posts)

anyways its very late and everyone in the house is asleep, i will see yall tomorrow


And while we’re here, let’s have a look at how Palo Town fell during the invasion.

Palo town might get a bit of a warning beforehand as places like the Stepstones would be hit first, so an evacuation might be set up by the Grand Navy. However, the Atlanteans arrive much quicker than expected, leading to chaos as the people try to escape on the Grand Navy ships.

While some are able to flee, many fall and are either killed or mutated, now stalking the once prosperous town. Mayor Tilly unfournately fell during the invasion, becoming a cuttlefish-like creature capable not only of camouflage, but also of mimicking people’s voices, using it while hunting at sea to catch unsuspecting sailors off guard.

Commodore Kai aided in the evacuation and was able to escape, but was unknowingly infected during a clash, leading to him steadily mutating as he infects the rest of the crew as their ship drifts aimlessly towards Whitesummit…


Everything is so connected together, like a horrific line of dominos. I really need to take some notes from you guys in writing in continuity, cause if you haven’t noticed my plots have been all over the place :sob:


The Fall of Redwake and The Jaws.

at first, the citizens of Redwake thought they’d be safe from the invasion, surely the Atlanteans couldnt navigate the Jaws, not to mention Pelion Rift would block half of the Dark Sea they could come from.

when their fish began dying out they realized they were wrong.

heavy fighting from Shura’s attempts to break out of the Jaws, only to end up infected himself, and would pollute the waters whilst fighting other Atlanteans for food would cause the waters to be too acidic for fish to survive.

the Spire Bandits had also made an attempt to escape, though their puny rowboats couldnt stand against the acid water, and they were trapped on the island. eventually, an atlantean sailboat crashed onto the island, and the Spire Bandits were either killed off or infected.

when Redwakers came to the Silent Ire in hopes of harvesting apples from the trees, they found Atlantean Shura fighting Atlanteans for food and most of the force there died.

when Redwakers came to the Spire Bandits camp in similar hopes, the first ship that landed on the island was swarmed, and the other Redwakers fled upon seeing this.

their food stores lasted them a while, and rarely any Atlantean reached Redwake, with any that did simply falling into the acid water and melting after it crashed into it.

however, when food went low, fights broke out. people desparate for even a scrap of food began to eat whatever they could find, no matter how rotten or old was, it could’ve been the worst food in the world, and they wouldve still ate it.

eventually, even the most rotten and disgusting food ran out.

people resorted to eating the dead. what other choice did they have at that point? sons ate fathers, fathers ate sons. some, at the brink of insanity and starvation, even killed others to eat.

that period wouldnt last long, as a fisherman named Thorbjorn would set out in a desparate attempt to find fish. in a longboat named the Shark’s Nemeisis, he would set out alone and managed to exit the Jaws from the west.

he would soon catch numerous amounts of fish and was elated. however, he was soon bit by one of the fish he caught. thinking nothing of it, he returned to the Jaws, slowly and unknowingly turning into an Atlantean. he couldnt tell he was losing his mind at that point, people having lost their minds had become the norm.

but as the beast had finally made it into Redwake in the dead of night, there was no humanity left in Thorbjorn.

he would sweep the town, rapidly infecting the weakened populus, with the only people able to fight being the guards of shark hall, Lord Orgumleidi and Chief Alfarin, who would put up a valiant last stand, but were overran by the atlantean horde, and soon would become one of them.

all mutants from Redwake have been said to have mutated to become Redwake’s nemesis, the shark, and all of the Redwake mutants have been observed to have a nigh insatiable hunger, devouring all prey that come their way. they also inherited the blood smelling abilites of sharks, being able to smell the scent of blood from miles away.

Redwake was soon abandoned by the mutants after every soul in it was infected, all left upon ships to satiate their hunger. wherever blood is spilt, the ships of Redwake will arrive, and carrying the ever-hungering souls that used to inhabit it.


Keep letting her cook :fire::fire::fire: you should make your own posts on this cuz this is straight fire



guys I mightve went too hard with these one

nonsense this is peak

Nah, its in the perfect point between unnecessary gore and too light

I’d imagine his mutated form might kinda look something like a manta ray mixed with a pufferfish that constantly drips acid from its spines

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