Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

made a silly little no swimming sign for the AU lol, i can imagine triangles scratched into several different surfaces to warn survivors of Atlanteans nearby

That’s so cool, we can have like a whole system of symbols that survivors can use to indicate whether an area is safe or not or if it has resources worth extracting

I think Poseidon’s presence will protect Mount Orthys from the Atlanteans

Everybody loves Ruby Roger
He must survive
He is that one side character that is somehow alive after godknowswhat he’s been through


My take on Othrys,

Ravenna would obviously be among the first to fall, many citizens fled into Mt Caesar’s many cave complexes and mines. The rest of the people who didn’t die would either trek south, seeking refuge at Silverhold and the rest would make the painful journey north to Othrys.

Those who decided to go to Othrys, guided by a handful of old and experienced sailors, were attempting to make their way to the Titan Caverns entrance. Their temporary hope for an impenetrable safe haven would be short lived as Atlantean ships pouring in from the North slowly started blockading Othrys, sensing the many survivors who tried to go there.

Most of the people guiding groups of Ravenna refugees to Othrys would soon die in their unprepared ships. Atlantean Frigates and Man o’ wars would shred anyone coming in from either Sameria or Ravenna.

Of course, before the Atlanteans made it, some people managed to enter the Titan Caverns but many would die in the large and horrific caverns, dying like rats in the dark. Those who survived would attempt to make a colony on top of Othrys, isolated from the world and their fate unknown. (for now!!!)

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I wonder what the Othrys survivors are going to be up to, I can definitely see them having an advantage due to their elevation. That added to the mystical environment of the mountain aiding them, they could really have a good shot at survival

ive been thinking, wont Silverhold inevitably collapse from running out of ammuntion or food, seeing as they are nigh always under siege?

I feel like since the Grand Navy is such a big worldwide organization, Silverhold will have many resources in stock (and since they aren’t really sharing with anyone else, they’ll last a good bit)

But slowly, they’ll get worn down by the constant attacks, and Cirrus’s supply drops won’t be enough. They’ll probably end up sending out ships towards the other War Seas in hopes for some aid from the other GN bases as a last resort.

Oh ima consume those atlanteans all right

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Well, thankfully the sky islands and Othrys are safe, after all, Atlanteans can’t fly…

R i g h t ?

They wont be able to fly, thankfully :sob::+1:

as discussed before…


if it’s me then everyone in that bar dies and feeds my boundless warden energy

This was an idea I had when you first brought up how you might take away flying from curse users. It was meant to be a way that Atlanteans could hinder that, but as I expanded upon the idea it got a little too goofy and definitely not the right fit for a horror AU plus you already found a different solution by the time I came up with it, that said I still think its pretty funny so I’ll share it just for laughs:

Basically the idea is to go all in on the mutations and give the Atlanteans a way to fly too so Curse users would still have to deal with them in the air significantly lengthening their time taken to get between islands. Maybe giving them wings(something like a flying fish probably) and some way to propel themselves either with some sort of mutant air bladder or just with magic.

This part was fine, I don’t think thats too wacky at all, but then I got to thinking about how the Atlanteans could deal with fortresses like silverhold or Mount Caeser where all the Ravenna survivors are hiding. Then I thought to myself well if there are atlanteans that could fly they could get themselves really high up in the air then dive towards their target accelerate themselves with magic and kamikaze into whatever fort their attacking creating a massive hole. This sounded really cool and scary to me at the time just imagining a character seeing a single atlantean flying up above their fort, noticing its a lesser atlantean so they’re not too worried about it, but then the Atlantean just starts diving towards them at insane speeds thanks to propelling themselves with something like light magic and the character has a panic attack right before getting blown up.
Then I thought about it a little more and realized thats kinda just straight goofy and kinda dumb. Doesn’t really make sense either if the Atlanteans are really just out here for food cause suicide doesn’t really help with eating all that much if you didn’t know. Again I thought it was still pretty funny though so thats basically the only reason I’m sharing it.

Flying fish Calvus is too op for the verse

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Eat the Atlanteans? Okay then!

sir, a second atlantean has hit the castello :fearful:

2977 Ravennians dead


in 1 hour the whole bronze sea was invaded by atlanteans

Though if the Atlanteans took over the skyships maybe…