Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

people coping by drinking actual water lol
the main thing is though is that it uses polluted magic so like your either gonna have to deal with becoming basic combat users and learn something else or your going to pollute yourself and become an atlantean


im suprised how nobody has yet to talk about how useful canonfist would be against the atlantean (ships)

imagine like watchtowers on places like harvest island or cirrus where cfist users hide and look for ships to sink


probably just humans, the greenwish cult at cernunno is pretty chill until you step into the waters, so Ambanes would just go “huh, oh that’s how they operate, I’ll respect their spaces”. No hostilities or alliances over there.

“Yo guys got a fortified brig at north of sandfall, can a chainshot spammer go take a gander?”

Entire Greenwish cult has turned into Atlenteans. Considering their aggression as humans, combining with natural Atlantean behavior, they won’t let anyone else on their sacred land. Also, Ambanes is a leader of a cult too, they would declare war to them just because of it

cult leader declares war on cult leader, is said to be a war between who has the best bad imaginary friend
-the Abyss Sea times (formerly the Agora)

eh, their current behavior somehow makes them less aggressive. as long as you don’t go into the swamps water or center they’ll ignore you. they operate off of ambush behavior.

the cult of Cernnuno at the swamp isn’t an organized group, more of a bunch of Atlanteans with similar behavior and mutations. Cernyx does have some loose command, but not nearly on the level of Alpha. The most he can do is call more to back him up or swarm a certain location.

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I roger that for my journal. Btw there is a new part each day

im bored so I might start doing Ambanes and Leader of [insert some group of atlanteans/monsters here] as sort of series.

Ambanes and Cernyx

Now when heading onto The Forest of Cernunno Ambanes was much more cautious. Bringing a few of his crew as body guards he would venture onto the island. He’d sense the Greenwish Caimans, though would be inable to spot any.

He would then send his bodyguards into the water to scout ahead, only to watch in horror as they were near instantly eaten after stepping in. Deciding against entering the water himself, he would form a plan to lure out the leader of these beasts.

Throwing in some corpses, he would try and draw the attention of a particularly strong beast he sensed. Upon drawing out Cernyx, he would notice him being not nearly as intelligent as Alpha, but more intellgent than the other Caimans. Managing to communicate with him, he struck up a deal, but not an alliance.

This deal was, as long as Ambanes or Cernyx didn’t attack eachother and their allies, Ambanes would offer a corpse for safe passage into the waters and center of the island. This was 1 corpse per entry into the waters/center per Atlantean. Ambanes would use the place as somewhere he could write and research in peace without being interfered with.

Cerynx, though not being able to lead his mutants as well as Alpha, could still order them not to attack certain people or avoid certain places. His leadership abilties were somewhat improved with a bit of guidance from Ambanes, but the most he can do is get the Caimans ready to ambush an area.

“god dammit”
“its that one caravel with an axehead ram”
“but its literally just a caravel?”
“it has 93 speed and is coming at us right now”

i had an idea… since King Calvus is infected, and Neviro isnt here to try and replace him, what if Revon ends up being the successor to the throne… King Revon

Not sure how the Order would react given Calvus is a High Lord, while Revon from what we know has no affiliation with the Order. Even though Calvus can’t do much as King given he’s infected, Revon becoming king means the Order would lose it’s influence over Ravenna. I think the Order might take the chance of Calvus being cured over the chance of trying to get Revon onto their side

Given they also might see Calvus as a lost cause already and let Revon take the throne

That would make sense… if Ravenna wasn’t absolutely desolate. There’s not much left to write home about :sob:

King Revon, Ruler of Ruined Ravenna

“King Revon, Ruler of Ruined Ravenna” makes for a really good bossfight name though
if only Revon could fight anything

only attack is throwing calvus at you and hoping it works

Revon becoming the king of a nation forced underground, that had lost the majority of it’s military with the most of what’s left being under the leadership of someone on a completely different island, and constantly in fear of an Atlantean swarm breaking through a garrison slowly losing it’s numbers whilst having an incredibly powerful Siren actively trying to disembowel him:


yeah i could see why his ass was happy and content being nothing more than a public figure in the og verse

is randal aware of warrens existence in all of this?
does he finally come out of retirement to try and help or is he chilling in the sky island myriad