Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

randal is still chillin :skull: prob tryna help those who enter his library to find a possible cure

unless ofc, someone here has plans for him that say otherwise

the random siren that somehow was born with fire magic bouta end Randelā€™s career

i like to imagine some people found his library and people fashioned it into more of like a fortress
they dont know he exists and hes just chilling with like people thinking its some abandoned library
sorta like a saferoom or something

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these takes are fucking SUPREME, I think iā€™m gonna compile them in a journal-type oneshot featuring Ambanes and his wacky adventures across the bronze sea

Ambanes is actually the MC real!!


rare Ambanes not liking Atlanteans?!?

Ambanes and Thorbjorn

Ambanes first encounter with the Redwake Sharks had been prefaced by countless warnings from his past victims of beasts that could smell a drop of blood a mile away. When he first met Thorbjorn, he attempted to have a conciliatory manner, but was attacked anyways. He fought Thorbjorn off, sensing intelligence within him, but also an insatiable hunger.

Over more observations of the Redwake Sharks, he would come to the conclusion that even those intelligent enough to be communicated with could not be reasoned with. Their hunger led them to eat whatever meat they found. Whenever a ship of theirs approached he would call his Atlanteans to arms, rather than negotiate like he would with other Atlanteans.

He called the sharks ā€œThe Hereticsā€ eating all they encountered rather instead infecting them. He saw them as wasting the gift they were given, taking away the chance for those to receive the gift, and traitors killing those who had received the gift.

His hate for the beasts was so intense, that he would prioritize killing them over everything else. He would become rivals with Chief Alfarin, Lord Orgumleidi, and Thorbjorn clashing with the 3 hundreds of times. Neither side would ever to be able to best the other, resulting in both retreating after sustaining heavy injuries.

He would note that the mutations of his rivals became more differentiated from the average Redwake Shark each battle. Chief Alfarin seemed to grow red scales, his eyes glowed pure white. His attacks grew stronger every battle. Lord Orgumleidi emanated a poisonous aura, his skin began to turn a purplish color. His attacks seemed to be laced with a strong poison. Thorbjorn had the most mysterious mutation, he seemed to be able to track Ambanes with ease and would often attack him when he least expected it. Whilst his attacks didnā€™t have anything special, he seemed to be impervious to blinding effects and would often be the last to engage when Ambanes other 2 rivals attacked, attacking from behind or a completely unexpected angle.


yessssss this will do nicely

Itā€™s mildly depressing Revon lore time.

King Revon, Ruler of Ruins

After Calvus was infected, someone was forced to take up the throne. Revonā€™s coronation happened under tense circumstances, near the end of the evacuation into Mount Caesar. Expectations were high for him, he had to lead a nation in crisis with minimal resources. Though many Bronze Legion soldiers had returned to Ravenna, some ships mysteriously disappeared on their way back from Shell Island.

In addition, nearly half of the army opted to join Sir Spartacusā€™s splinter of the Bronze Legion, which was busy evacuating as many civilians to Orthys as they could. Revon had no ability to contact Spartacus, and by extension the men of the Orthys Legion. He would often call the splinters of the Bronze Legion not at Ravenna traitors and cowards.

He also had to handle food shortages, barely being able to produce enough food early in his reign to feed his people, often going days without eating to be less of a burden on the food supply. Fortunately the discovery of a huge aquifer with a plentiful amount of fish alleviated the shortage. His reign would not get much better after this though.

Every few weeks, a group would manage to make their way into Mount Caesar, bearing worse and worse news. From a massacre at Blasted Rock and Shell Island to Silverhold and Fort Talos being destroyed, news seemed to get worse and worse. This news would culminate in reports of a winged figure looking for the Ravennean Royal family screeching profanities of mutilating them beyond recognition and brutally disemboweling them once he finds them.

On top of this, said winged figure had massacred squads of Bronze Legion soldiers that tried to attack him. These rumors would push Revon over the edge. His paranoia reached an all time high, he began to dream of himself running through a snow field, chased by the winged entity. As the dream progressed the snow got more and more red, eventually turning blood red. After it reached blood red, he would be pierced by an ornate spear before waking up. He kept a group of the best warriors he had under his command around him at all times and would never leave the mountain.

His troops were dwindling, with each Atlantean that had somehow found their way in was a potential soldier lost. He was in able to train replacements, he had neither the supply to train them with and arm them with or the people able to train the replacements. The only way they could get new soldiers was when some survivors made their way to Ravenna, which was incredibly unlikely. With soldiers being too valuable to send out, he simply forced Tiberians to go out to forage for supplies.

Public support was divisive, the Rasnans were torn, the Rubicans strongly supported him, and the Tiberians were close to rebellion. Soon whispers of a plot in the Tiberians part of the caverns under Mount Caesar to overthrow Revon arised. When a group of these rebels came to challenge him, they would be executed, with Revon personally beating the leader to death.

He ordered martial law on the Tiberian caverns, having those who disobeyed executed publicly, with him sometimes being the executioner himself. His dreams got worse and worse, as did his paranoia. Many innocent civilians were sent to death on a hunch, many soldiers were forced to be the vanguard on a hunch as well, practically a death sentence as well.

His desperation soon lead to him offering anything and everything to the Order of the Aesir for a cure to the infection. If he couldnā€™t hand the burden of King to Calvus soon he would reach his breaking point. He was in a spiral of insanity, slowly shattering his personality. He was no longer the cheerful prince the people had grown to love.

His madness drove him to obsession, his obsession drove him to madness.

Eventually, in a fit of hysteria, he would leave the caverns for the first time in months. He would walk around the island before seeing something that would make him turn whiter than fresh snow. A winged figure, with an ornate spear, flew about in the distance. He screamed and ran straight for the caverns. Upon reaching the caverns he would run into his quarters and barricade himself in. Eventually, his paranoia subsided enough to let him leave again, but he would absolutely refuse to go anywhere near the caverns close to the surface.


please, thereā€™s only much peak fiction I can handle before my head explodes from all the ideas this is giving me

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ā€œwhere you go i goā€¦ where you see i seeā€¦ā€ his ass is NOT mahito

woul seawater act as bait
like freshly gotten polluted seawater
if i chucked it close to an atlantean would it be more interested in the seawater bottle than me and i could sneak by

it would probably distract it, but as soon as it caught a whiff of you youā€™re a walking corpse

just use stormroot fr fr

would they get hurt from liquid starlight?
hell would toxic seawater have them hooked like some sorta bait

Imagine using this bottle to ride Atlanteans like pigs in Minecraft

What about Savants?

Either godlike humans or useless beings, much like in main universe

savants are like
i imagine they are insanely useful because of their versatility

for example
need someone to fight off the atlanteans? savant with metal magic gotchu
weapons like muskets can be used to snipe atlanteans from low skyships
fists and stuff

And I agree. I have played as savant before, and it was great. Only reason I interchanged him was his small attack size, I have shit aim so I couldnā€™t handle it. Just like vitality and intensity, savants are underrated, and by so respected by me

heck ya a savant fan
im a savant and personally i like to gamble my rng by predicting where my slow high damage blast would land for my first attack and most of the time it works