Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

you can learn this at Enizor’s awakening quest, you need perfect brewing and 60 strength to learn it (400 galleons)

Unknown until the Nimbus Sea comes out, but most likely doing better than Ravenna

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fuck you, I’ve been listening to that tuyu song about hachi the faithful dog, so have depressing ryuji lore based off of that

Little Hachi, the Faithful

Hachi, was a Ryujin dog owned by a well respected Ryujin Samurai named Hidesaburō Ueno. Hachi would accompany Ueno down to the port of the town the 2 lived everyday and return to port at sunset when Ueno usually returned. The pair would then walk home together. This schedule would continue regularly for a year, until the invasion started.

On the day of the invasion’s beginning, Ueno set out to sea like normal. He and his crew would encounter an Atlantean fleet and whilst in the middle of commanding his crew be killed by the onslaught of Atlanteans that suddenly swarmed the ship. That day Hachi waited at the dock until midnight for his master’s return, but it would never come.

Hachi would return his masters home, which slowly became more and more dilapidated as the invasion went on. However, everyday he would leave his home at the time Ueno would have regularly returned home. Every now and then survivors would come and resupply Hachi’s food and water supply. Though there were attempts from survivors to adopt him, he would refuse and stay resolute to his duty of waiting for his master. Though Atlanteans often passed by, they would simply ignore the faithful dog.

For the next 9 years, 9 months, and 15 days, Hachi would return to the port everyday and wait for his master to return. He would be found dead at the port, still waiting, having died of a terminal cancer. The survivors who regularly visited him would mourn the loyal dog’s death and would bury him in front of his masters house. At least Hachi would no longer have to wait to meet his master, all loyal dogs go to Elysium, as did his master.




at this rate im scared every time i see your name in my notifs :sob::sob:

“oh hey a new notif I wonder who it could be from-”
KNDY2009 has replied to your topic

somewhat depressing Freedrock lore

Freedrock, The Mutant of Ouroboros

When Atlanteans arrived at the island Freedrock was marooned on, he fought them off for quite a while. Sometime along the way an Atlantean managed to infect him. Realizing he was turning into some mad mutant by the only by the time he had reached to stage 2, he tried to end himself.

However, fate had a much crueler idea for him in store. Instead his curse rolled yet another revive. This would cause his infection to be stuck in a state of constantly mutating the areas that the infection had spread, but prevented further spread somehow.

This also put in Freedrock in immense suffering and he would repeatedly try to end it all, but his curse kept reviving him. He tried and tried, but his good luck still kept him alive, if it could be called good luck. Freedrocks body was stuck in a brutal state of death and revival, as he tried to end his suffering only to revive in even more agony.

Eventually, he simply couldn’t keep going with the cycle and just gave up trying to end his suffering himself. However, in yet another cruel twist of fate, his mutations had grown so unstable that his human side and mutated side simply couldn’t coexist, causing him to die and revive still.

Freedrocks mutations seem to grow more varied every death that happens to him. Originally starting with mutations of an immortal jellyfish, everytime he dies another mutation based off another animal joins his mutated half his body, fighting for control against the other mutations. Meanwhile, his human side is under constant attack from his mutant side, even while it fights itself.


all this while his power is getting hyperboosted from the deaths
he aint doin good

Seven Seas vs mutated Freedock after dying 30 times



bro had 1% left and made the vaguest reply known to mankind

on pc now

elaboration: not AO, but that reminded me of the original greek myth where Prometheus was chained down and forced to have his liver ripped out and eaten by a bird every morning, dying and reviving himself only to go through the same thing day after day

this sounds like before someone dies they say the most vaguest shit thatll come up later in the story

gotta be dark and mysterious ooooooo

(unlike a certain order agent)

Freedrock is both the bird and Prometheus at the same time


you are NOT dark and mysterious you are LIGHT AND OPAQUE

(like a certain order agent)

also I did base this silly piece of lore off of a story that is both incredibly sad and wholesome at the same time

idk what ur talking about (me, after immediately spouting out every single idea I have for this AU into this topic as they enter my brain, leaving absolutely no room for others to speculate and theorize)

Anyways random Palo Town interpretation

Insanity induced by the environment (aka what happens in Akursius’s Keep + the Dark Sea) does not seem to have a singular cause, rather there being many ways a whole area could be “poisoned,” and not all of these areas induce the same effects.

In the case of Palo Town, a Dark Sea native species of plant has begun to take root in the soil and produce spores that create a dense mist over the seaside town. Breathing in these spores causes one to fall under a temporary state of insanity, in which their perception of the town is skewed – instead of looking the wreckage of a once lively community, they now get to see what Palo was like before the invasion. The endless night sky suddenly is illuminated by the bright, summer sun, dilapidated homes and streets are now spotless and gleaming, and the sea is a pristine, clear blue, appealing enough to drink from.

Anyone who enters the town without the proper protection are wandering straight to their demise, all while marveling at a place seemingly untouched by the horrors that plague the Bronze Sea. They always end up right at Town Hall, where a voice beckons them to come to its aid. Once they reach the balcony, they see a woman standing at the railing, the only person who inhabits this town, it seems. Stepping closer, her somber cries grow louder and louder. They always try to console her, trying to tell her that it’s safe outside, this is the only safe place left.

Even as she tears them apart, the illusion never breaks.

random interpretation of a random interpretation

Though the spores effects are strong, those who were there at Palo Town during it’s fall or were there regularly after the invasion will seem to resist it, as if their body knows that this town is no longer what it once was. On the other hand, those exclusively there before it’s fall are MUCH more vulnerable to it’s effects.

Due to the few people who fall under the conditions of natural resistance, most people are naturally weaker or neutral to the spore’s effect. However, on the few ocassions those who are resistant have walked on the island, only one has gone to Mayor Tilly and face her down.

From this single instance, it has been noted that Mayor Tilly can sense someone not being under the effect of the spores. As soon as she realized the effects not working, she called down the executioners. She also refused to engage with the person who faced her down. Attached below is a summary of events from an Order Agent who was sent to observe Mayor Tilly’s behavior.

Agent [REDACTED]'s Summary.

??? enters the Town Square

???: “Been a bit since I’ve been here…”

Mayor Tilly looks at him confused

??? and Mayor Tilly stare eachother down for a few minutes

???: “Wait a minute, you’re Mayor Tilly- What in the world happened to y-”

Mayor Tilly seems to realizes that ??? is unaffected by the spores.

Mayor Tilly screeches at him, Executioner #1 approaches

???: “Why am I not suprised that you didn’t escape Palo…”

??? and Executioner #1 fight, ??? comes out victorious after stabbing Executioner #1 with it’s own spear.

Agent [REDACTED] realizes that ??? seems to have been infected prior to his encounter with Executioner #1.

Mayor Tilly and ??? for a few minutes, during this they somehow seem to come to an agreement.

??? enters the Townhall.

Agent [REDACTED] enters the Townhall shortly after Mayor Tilly falls asleep, and finds a note left by ???, the note is signed by “Roy, The Fearless”.

The basement door of the Townhall is locked, the key to it is located next to the note.

End of Summary.


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abyss sea gameplay