Arcane legacy

what game is this?

reading the replies i agree with a lot said here.
-should have been more thoroughly tested
-shouldn’t have released in such a buggy/bad state

it absolutely sucks right now, but it has a lot of potential for when it is fully released.

also maid items big W

I largely agree with you on most of your points, but I do think that AL has far more potential than AR ever did. Simply because the basic foundation of the game (the stats, combat options, etc.) is, or is going to be, drastically improved upon in AL.

Plus, the devs are actually listening to feedback from the players, and the game looks like it’s going in the right direction. They probably should’ve made the game actually playable before releasing it, but I can see what they’re going for.

AR, on the other hand, has a community that actively rejects change to the game’s core mechanics. This prevents the game from growing as much as it could since balance changes are rarely addressed and are actively discouraged because “it makes the game too easy” when half of the bosses can’t be beat unless you’re close to (or at) the max level.

Also, the devs just released a massive bugfix that fixes the ping issue along with many others. A bit late, but it shows that they’re on the right track.


Island revamps are nice, yet Maru’s chamber is un neededly too rewroked.
Magic does not work properly, everything is laggy as shit.

the devs fixed these like 15 minutes ago lol

15 min is not 30 min
30 min is not 1 hour
1 hour is not 2 hours
2 hours is not 4 hours
4 hours is not 8 hours
8 hours is not 16 hours
16 hours is not 24 hours
24 hours IS 1 day
1 day is not 2 days
2 days is not 4 days
4 days is not a week.
So i dont care

Considering the fact that none of the testers did their damn jobs, I’d say that releasing a major bugfix within three days of launch is perfectly respectable. Shows more care for the project than AR does at least.

Patch of the first day


If you want an example as to the core of the gatekeeping of the AR community, search up “arcane reborn Do Not Release 1.1”

That video is a prime example as to the gatekeeping shitfest of AR (they literally complained that 1.1 wouldn’t bring back the papers and said that “it would just be a bunch of noname new gens”)

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the testers tested their inability to do anything productive for the game.


lets hope mutations actually gets added to one of these games

I’m going Equinox Gravity build for this game if it’s gonna exist
This game made me think of a light build for AO


ok the game is a lot better today I can’t believe the dev actually fucking worked on it and fixed (a lot of) the bugs

thanks @armadaa for the black maid skirt


What In The Sub Human Abomination Am I Witnessing At This Very Moment

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A masterpiece.

@Flare-Chan @WarmWater how the fuck did you guys load in I’ve been stuck in a void for 7 minutes now