Arcane Oddysey's story is kinda

That’s just plain wrong, have you ever read a good book?

This is a fair point yes, but not all cutscenes have to be complicated to show us something. I can’t see an issue with more cutscenes showing behind the scenes stuff like Neviro and Iris’s journey and other things related to Calvus. The only thing that I think would be limited with cutscenes are obviously fights. Story is NOT ALL ACTION.

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its told in a journal because neviro’s detailed backstory isnt important to the overall plot, you just need to know that he was from winterveil and thats all. the journal exists for people who care about the more detailed lore and removing that and forcing neviro to go on a huge rant telling the player directly their entire story would be worse


they don’t die anyway so idk what you’re saying here, if you spared them then they lived and will return later on


Ah huh?

Probably spoilers, but how would that work if players can choose to kill them (barring major plot contrivances)? Are there going to be two possible versions of the story? If so, I applaud your ambition, there are lots of AAA studios that wouldn’t attempt that (cough cough Bioware cough cough)

uh i dont think opening the game up with a whole rant about mordens backstory or the player’s past (which morden doesnt even know) is a good idea

no it doesn’t, you will learn more about the player’s backstory as the story goes on, obviously it shouldnt be thrown all onto the player in the very first sea.

What even is this statement? Do you want there to be 5 different thousand hour long stories for every different type of player? obviously the main character will have their lore based reasons for doing things since you are playing a character in the story, not your own self insert

that wasn’t the purpose of it at all and the beginning actually fits very well if you knew the full story

this is very in character for iris if you pay attention to her dialog, she is hot headed and obviously wasn’t thinking clearly when she decided to go to frostmill and start melting the island

you aren’t really meant to care for him at this point? i dont understand the critique here, obviously you aren’t supposed to care for neviro deeply as soon as he appears at ravenna, the player’s relationship with him is still growing even at windrow

they exist to tell stories that aren’t integral to the overall plot but exist for players that want them

bro did you even play the story? Calvus is the king of Ravenna and no one except the player learned they were even associated with the order until pretty much right before you fight him because its a secretive organization, if there were constant dialog lines randomly thrown in about calvus it would make it too obvious that he was a villain

i dont even get what you mean here, the world - especially for a roblox game - is incredible

redwake already has LOTS of dialog about their culture and stories and such so this is probably the worst example you could’ve chose for this point. As for the redwake warriors part I feel that would be pretty unnecessary, plus the chief says that the warriors should stay back in case of another attack (or something like that)

warren is gone after you defeat elius and the player has to learn about them before the following islands

because its the beginning of the story dude… you arent MEANT to be super attached to any characters yet really and you are just adventuring together with them because you have a common goal, obviously in the future you will become more attached

because he wouldn’t have folded under pressure and it makes sense for there to be a potion of that type in a magic-based world?

You broke into a fortress and the bronze legion thinks you killed the general and hundreds of others… I don’t think they would bother interrogate you after that. Thats like if someone commits terrorism irl and then they get put on a lie detector test to see why they did it, like what?

again, its early in the story

For me being a solo dev and this game having the most intricate story for a MMORPG on roblox ever, I think the beginning story is EXTREMELY good for what it was meant to be and this entire post is just nitpicky bs because it doesn’t play or read like a AAA game or a story book.

As for most people not caring for the story, adding more dialog to the story wouldn’t change that lol, majority of roblox players are kids and are playing for the pvp, they would just skip through the additional dialog and scenes regardless.

I’ll flesh out the story a lot more when it is made into actual books, but for what it is in the game, its already pretty much perfect for a prologue to the overall war sea’s plot


Are you going to release the arcane odyssey story as a series of books? Will they be digital only, or is it too early to tell, Id like to hear more info on these books.

This response changed my way of thinking from “this person might have some decent points” to “this person has a doctorate in yappology”

Anyways, I’ll just stay and watch while I hope for an island to appear in the story (or not like Shell Island) with a bunch of oil hungry gunslingers.

neviro explaining how he’s this fodder now:

I KNEW IT! MC has a backstory, and even Morden doesnt know, CONFIRMED. Sorry, it was just a big theory I have, though the game and one of your plot summaries implied it, its nice to see it being directly confirmed. Im def pumped up now for the rest of the story
Will be taking down notes~

(Maybe I should make that post soon then…)

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I just pray that Roblox doesnt come after him if he does release them… god please

his story, his property

i think

Preston sells Nfts and a bunch of other shit vetex publishing a book shouldn’t be a worry :skull:

Stop making me excited for the nimbus and the future seas ahh


for me it seems like what vetex is saying
“trust me it gets better”
so while i have my doubts i just hope vetex took a writing class
but yea you can tell me “I TOLD YOU SO” if my doubts were unfounded
but you BETTER BET that I’m going to say “I TOLD YOU SO” if the story really does suck

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There doesn’t need to be a rant. Mainly I think we should just be able to spend more time with Morden at the beginning of the game. I assumed that Morden knew about our past at least but my bad for that

Thank goodness :sob:

Hell no

Yes, but what is their motive now? Considering the MC has amnesia you would think that their motive for doing anything would be established. Instead we get asked to go places and shit just happens that we get roped into. So what is it? plain Curiosity? helping people? please do tell if it ain’t a spoiler

fair enough

I agree, but I wish there was at least something about him and other important Ravenna characters sprinkled around the world so that their presence is at least there. And yes of course I know no one except the player learned they were associated with the order, im not saying anyone else needs to know. It’s just a bit strange and unrealistic to think that there wouldn’t be single mention of THE KING of Ravenna outside of the actual kingdom. Said kingdom being a major power in the Bronze Sea

It 100% is, im not saying otherwise. I thought it over a little and I do take back what I said. I think its mostly okay, and there is plenty of big stuff in the story mentioned like curses, winterveil, and the upcoming war and whatnot.

Basically I just wished for more lore to be integrated into the story (which I guess enough already is and theres way more to come anyways)

That’s fair

That sucks, Warren genuinely would’ve been a way better person to hear it from

It does make sense for a potion like that to exist in a magic world, I just don’t enjoy cheaty conveniences like that

Fair I have nothing to say to this

I don’t care whether or not it plays like a AAA game or a story book. I was just telling you my own thoughts on it. Agree or disagree with what I said, but don’t disrespectfully sum up anyone’s genuine criticism as “nitpicky bs”.

Yes, little kids who have no attention span will obviously continue skipping it, but for the people that do genuinely try to get into it stop caring for it because it simply isn’t interesting enough. The story genuinely does have a lot of potential to be pretty good, and there are many ways you could add to the Bronze Sea to actually make it truly enjoyable.

I look forward to the future :+1:


:pray: Same for me as well

they “THINK” you broke in and killed the general and hundreds of others
do they not care why?
like if someone commits terrorism and gets captured would you not want to know WHY? or if they are part of a bigger cell?

yea I’m not going to lie i really don’t get this but whatever it’s your game


Ok no need to be rude

This right here I won’t stand for. People can go ahead and critique the story all they want, but the world is OOZING with character. People have EXPLORED, right? Every island tells a story. From the houses carved into spires and old bones that make up the Redwake culture, to the freezers that they use to store their meats, with ice obtained from frostmill. Frostmill, which has a winding series of mines you delve into, with ruins of old settlements buried in the snow above.

From Arkurius keep, haunted and full of damned souls, a bleak darkness enshrouding the entire island, to Shell Islands peaceful cliffs and huts that seem just a bit behind the rest of the seas architecture. If you want story from the world purely- I mean, has anyone visited Blasted Rock? A scattered battlefield, great ruins, and for the curious a book containing a cryptic hint as to what befell this place and caused the everpresent tornado.

The world design in AO is fantastic.

This isn’t even a thing about simply good storytelling or good game design, this is excellent worldbuilding. Like yeah, its a Roblox game, but it blends the story and world together masterfully.

I’ve said my critiques on the story before, primarily just some minor nitpicky gripes that don’t matter all too much, but there’s a balance that must be achieved. Writing a game story isn’t the same as writing a book, there’s a lot more that goes into it, and a consideration of time and engagement with the players.