Arcane Odyssey Hot Takes?

ya i quit syndicate cus of this

Absolutely not, being able to progress at our own pace should have been implemented, having to grind 20 levels between certain quests is super tedious and most people would just be farming merlot/kai in that time instead of exploring or doing treasure charts (mid game mechanic anyways do not do this for leveling up)

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actually you know what a good hot take is?

leader roles can say the stupidest shit / have the worst opinions on the forums and just because they’re a leader role they’ll get at least 3 or so likes with almost zero backlash.

Anyone else does the same thing and they’re getting berated into oblivion.

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Tried to react with :open_mouth: but it locked me into the :laughing: reaction


i don’t mean to come off as rude but why do you type like that

Type like what ?

i honestly don’t mean this in a rude way i just see it often and i don’t understand it

Just cause I can ^^


because!! ^^ she can!! mhhmm girlpower!! ~~ O_O !! ^^ ^^ !! frfr!!! ^^ ~~8yY* &^$%9^R% 0T^R( UwU

clan leaders being the only people able to manage clan funds sucks(probably a cold ass take)

heavy exploding shell is the only good cannonball in the game

bro, heavy exploding shell is amazing, it does like 600 damage each


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? they’re pretty good for earlier level XP lol, i find it funny people are too bothered to spend maybe ~5 minutes digging around fairly obvious locations for free xp

i find it a nice change of pace from the whole “Kill 2 billion npcs to level up” roblox RPGs usually do. like, you can actually get XP from doing miniscule things. it’s pretty neat

sounds like a you opinion

I for one don’t enjoy mindlessly pushing my shovel in and out of the ground when I could have gotten 5 more levels doing something else. Ig I just suck at reading maps.

fighting styles feel almost the exact same
theres no assassination rival option?
cargo is boring there should be increased odds of pirates or assassins if you have cargo and grand navy for stolen cargo
treasure charts to level up is only good if you’re lucky or have a fast boat
and speaking of fast boat, cargo feels so much slower without one
not a fan of how they make you do side quests by just abruptly pausing your main quest
honestly id just add a pity for everything, not sure how i went 40 argos with no drops
no help is given when you die multiple times to a boss, game just says “maybe try upgrading gear” but i dont think thats an option for elius / calvus
you cant swap a spell with another keybind without a spell. its small but its annoying when i unlock a new spell and it automatically creates itself on something that i dont like (i played arcane adventures i want my self explosion on R and my snare on E/F)

thats about all i can think of on the spot

also try using the food buffs (especially with fish, a good health regen can go miles). but you can def get better stuff for calvus. ig not that much for elius but he’s not that hard anyway.

This might not be a hot take but like, Dash feels super unreliable (so does block as well tbh) you can’t do it in the air, and the two bind options are either, “do you want it to happen all the time outside of your control and potentially lose a stupid amount of progress?” or, “OH, you ment to dash? I thought you meant charge magic while stand perfectly still and take 5000000000000000 damage from the thing your fighting” and there is no inbetween.