Arcane Odyssey Hot Takes?

Ima be honest with you, I personally like using Metal, mostly just because I want to see how much damage is physically possible in this game. I haven’t really tried bounty hunting, and tbh getting hunted is so fucking annoying. I would try to look at it from the Metal user’s perspective, if they die to you, they probably lose a lot of money/infamy, and have to spend 10 minutes not being able to play the game. Looking at it like that (which is normally how i think about bounty hunters, especially since you don’t even get that much money from it) it kinda makes sense why people try to make the strongest builds possible. But yea, metal is kinda strong right now.

Conjurer is mid {coming from a conjurer main}

The awakening is cool but lackluster

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I can see why you’d think Conjurer is mid

i mean, at least its thematic

It isnt

honestly tho, kinda right, I’ve tried conjurer, and the only reason I’ve seen to use it is to pair Ice/Snow with sunken. or be really fast with light. Also juggling 3 different weapons and 8 different spells is annoying.

I made a crystal mage. Am I metamancing?
  • Yes, crystal’s gimmick multiplies damage too much
  • Yes, crystal’s stats make it similar enough to earth so it’s technically meta
  • No, crystal isn’t metamancing because it’s too rarely seen over magma, metal, and earth.
  • No, crystal’s gimmick makes it worse overall.

0 voters

LOL exactly

Compare to Mage and Warrior, Conjurer feels lackluster to play, aside from just my magic, I feel like it can’t pull its weight. Although thats just my opinion anyone can make a build good, aside from savant lol

yea i find mine in 5, at most 10
only hard place is shell island. following instructions is pretty easy, i don’t know

I don’t know if you were born with some innate gift or something but I remember spending 42 minutes trying to find a Frostmill treasure chart and just quitting afterwards

I think you’re just digging in the wrong places

hottest take: it isn’t metamancing if you’re using it because you like it, and calling everyone who plays a certain class / magic cringe is cringe^2


technically if you just so happened to use the meta without even trying to use the meta your still a meta mancer(because you’re using the meta)

Technicly everyone is a metamancer, because at some point their build will be meta
So theres no metamancers

but if everyone is a meta mancer then that means everything IS a meta mancer so therefore the only non meta is nothing

this was planned for a bit iirc but vertex dismissed it as “not fun”
but… this is the exact gameplay that evil players have to deal with
you die you get 10 minutes in the no-fun room


every magic is fine but if you’re a metal mage you are genuinely shit at the game and have no actual idea how to fight without being braindead


That doesn’t mean I give a shit (also, isn’t Earth more BS than metal, i mean, its got way more AOE and the same damage)