Arcane Odyssey Hot Takes?

earth doesn’t proc that bleed though

(it should probably still get a damage nerf)

honestly imo, metal should get an AOE nerf and Earth should get a damage nerf, so that metal can keep its gimmick of being really high damaging but not easy to hit, and earth is really easy to hit but not quite as good as Metal. Also nerf Pulsar, that thing’s busted.

I think pulsar is defo getting gutted in v1.12

I like the idea tho

also partially because i still want to do 500 damage on my tiny ass projectile for the funni

basically bullet

actually, accounting for bleed, (im not sure how much bleed does exactly so this isn’t super accurate) its more like 600 damage

agreed, warrior is just a better version of conjurer, you need a magic that synergizes well with bleeding in order to actually take advantage of conjurer’s pros and even then you still don’t get the stupid moves like ethereal flash that warrior does and you don’t have the warrior’s aura AOE

If you use crystal with a meta mage build you’re still a metamancer.

anyways hot take is that

if you pick a combo between tools like glass and conjurer… you just wanna be quirky and unique, stop picking options that suck ass with each other just to be different, take advantage of synergy combos goddamn it

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I came into crystal thinking “maybe the gimmick will work?”
crystal-glass for the damage increment man it’s ridiculously powerful and I don’t like it
Calvus drops like a fly if you get a good run of him

still gonna call metal mages cringe theyre using the most unfair build and can win most matchups

the only builds they really have difficulty fighting are warlord and warrior, but even then a skilled meta mage easily stomps both of those

using meta magics bc they’re strong IS an objectively bad thing when everyone’s using the same ass build and there’s no build diversity

So just metamance and don’t be creative with what you want to make. No challenge runs, it’s just straitlaced rules.
I see.

heres a lukewarm take:

perma banning players for glitch abuse is stupid and too harsh honestly

there isnt even a concrete list of bannable glitches

i mean more like throwing random shit together

I agree with how metal mages are cringe. Magma mages and earth mages deserve no slack whatsoever (unless you picked earth because you used it in AA, and didn’t expect it to be so good)

And I’ll admit, my new crystal mage is metamancing despite myself not knowing about it, and even without a great build it can shred enemies.

I mean more like builds that are viable instead of stuff like… (random magic) + (random fighting style)

i’m not a metamancer trust me my main slot is a berserker file

crystal glass is 100% viable imo i just need the correct items for the file

I saw a crystal user dealing 210 damage per pulsar, uneditted(atleast that’s what he said)

You can call me cap but I am telling the truth 90%

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See? That’s what I’m saying.