Arcane Odyssey Hot Takes?

we should cook with our camp marker’s camp fire

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this one might get some offended so click at your own risk

do testers even like, do their jobs? I mean now that I think about it, there’s so many weird glitches or just stupid weird moments in AO you’d think after 2 years with like 20 people they’d pick some of these things up or comment on them, but no, instead they go off to ruin balancing because it mucks up one build they made. (talking about vitality)
(for example, navy attacking hero reps, the fact NPCs can follow your boat across the warseas forever and not lose stamina when swimming, and so on)

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lmao facts

I agree and disagree
You can go whatever build you want
but just dont complain about it being a shittier option

i just wanna say, after having experienced the start of pixel piece. AO was working really fucking great.

Someone has probably said this already, but the level walls in AO are completely fine

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All of the story bosses (besides two) are really well designed.

Screw you Elius and carina.

i agree with carina, she really didn’t need that health regen.

but with Elius i will say that he was pretty good, he’s the first boss with a big skill wall, that really shows that you should start knowing what moves bosses uses, how to counter them, that sometimes parrying/blocking is than dodging and vice versa. And kind of shows that if you aren’t able to beat him then you should try leveling up or getting better gear then.

Literally all of the issues you’re talking about, we’ve reported, unless they sprang up after the game released

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you know what? FUCK IT. here’s one of my REAL AO hot takes.

The Berserker’s awakening being a second fighting style is stupid.
“Oh wow, now I have the mental capacity to USE MY ARMS AGAIN!” Ronan Stillwater, what the fuck are you saying? That’s stupid. You’re stupid. This awakening is stupid.

“but jawa, if magic gets a second magic for awakening, why isn’t that bad?”
You know damn well why it’s not bad. Because lightning gets a damage boost when your opponent is soaked. Because Magma gets a damage boost when your opponent is already on FUCKING FIRE. Because even if you took Shadow as your first magic, you could still just pick up a DoT magic as your second one, and boom, you made up for Shadow’s only drawback that isn’t even that big of a deal, anyway.

Fighting Styles, though, is like picking Shadow and Sand. They don’t have a synergy with each other, neither of them provide DoT, and Sand would get a size nerf for being the second magic, so you wouldn’t even want to use it. Sure, you COULD run Iron Leg and Thermo Fist for two different playstyles, one AoE, one speed, but you’re gonna find out which one you like more eventually, and you’re probably not gonna bother to switch out of it. So, then one of the two’s just left to rot.

"jawa, if iron leg applies bleeding, and sailor style applies soaked, couldn’t that be a synergy?
Yeah. The ONLY synergy for this entire class that comes to mind. At the cost of you having to either fight right by the sea or drain 20 hunger every time you actually want to do damage, too.

just give us weapon aura but for our fists or something

also i’ll probably feel the same why about third magic for mages when that rolls around, too, but that one’s sort of protected by lore (the second and third mind)


You suplex the fish to make sure it’s dead

That’s not even a hot take, it’s the truth

I feel like they could have just done what they did to warrior, they could have also done for berserker. Extra shockwave size and maybe some extra damage? That or just give them something called “Adrenaline,” that would simply let them not die at 0 hp and let them fight for another 30 seconds or something before actually dying. That or make them not take stuff like limb loss or something.

Maybe do something like “Berserk Rage,” which would allow them to become even stronger the lower hp they are. Idk I’m just throwing my thoughts into text here.

oh, and if any testers see this:


don’t let vetex just give us a third one when the time comes around. it’d be even more useless than the second fighting style we have now.


i mean in the future there will be more fighting styles you go with so i think that is going to fix it

yeah right now berserker is useless so, don’t go berserker that easy in next update potions are getting added so maybe in the future when game is more complete berserker will be viable

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it won’t, there is nothing even resembling a synergy here other than what there already is (iron leg + sailor)

they could actually fix the problem with it
in the PVP balance-centered update

those are just ideas tho, when they are closer to being added they will most likely add more

ok so what you propose?

here’s one, pretty big though so it’s probably not seeing the light of day

as for the awakening: