Arcane Odyssey Hot Takes?

Once again, having every magic with the opportunity to have every spell and being able to make your own movesets instead of being restricted is just objectively better

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Gray = I don’t do

I have to respectfully disagree. Especially considering that most mage’s movesets are remarkably similar. When you get down to it, the difference between a fire mage and an earth mage is merely numbers–attack size, damage, DOT… they are in essence the same, just with a different visuals and some numbers.

While lost spells are indeed a neat feature, it does feel rather redundant that the one thing you can do to differ yourself from others has to be fished up or randomly found in a chest.

I’d just like to feel like there’s a meaning to the different magics, like each one actually meant something. Having a few stats and a status effect just doesn’t feel like enough.

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honestly, this would be amazing, i can just imagine how creative the different magics could get, maybe wind gets a fly move (like what would’ve been in WoM, but it’ll probably be turned into a Lost/Ancient spell) or explosion lets you place mines or delayed explosions that only you can see. I feel like it would be better if each magic had their own unique spell to just them, but it would be pretty hard to do, so i see why they wouldn’t.

although, i think if it were me, I would give Light a dash/teleport move, instead of a healing, since it seems less “holy” and more “fast as fuck BOIIII” I would probably give the heal to Wood (because plants/growth, and it would differentiate it from the other heavy magics) or Water, but it might get a little unbalanced (i can see runners spamming this move to hell and back already)

the more i think about this, the more i like it tbh. You would probably want to replace Snare (its not a great spell, but you could keep it for one of the unique spells) with Aura, and make the “custom” spells where Aura is currently, so have it be a fairly high level. (that might make the lightning bolt idea a little redundant, but theres alot of creative things you could do with lightning, beside, i dont think getting rid of beam is a good idea, its just a really consistent option which would suck to not have)

You seem to NOT have understood what I said. Take, for example, the fire and light magics from arcane adventures. While fire has a projectile move, light has a beam one. Essentially, what you’re saying, is that fire being locked to a projectile and light being locked to a beam is better than both magics having a choice of a projectile and a beam. That’s just objectively wrong bro. With the current system, not only can you still have the original Arcane Adventures movesets for the magics, but utilize all the moves coded into the game to actually be able to customize and have more variety.

i mean, hes not saying “GET RID OF FIRE’S ABILITY TO USE A BEAM” at least, i dont think thats what he means, I think he just means “add on new spells to make each magic feel unique and actually add some weight to the choice of what magic you want” I dont think he means “make all magics fundamentally different down to their core moves”.

Also, literally speaking, what he said isn’t “objectively” anything, its a statement of opinion, literally saying that he thinks that magics have no real difference beside damage values (and hes right, they basically don’t)

well, i should clarify that last statement, the magics not having any differences (beside numbers) is true. This guy wanting more spells to differentiate them is an opinion.

Although I do agree with you when it comes to magics being to similar, I dont think unique spells is a good idea, since it doesnt really fix the problem (and its kinda cheap). I would rather every magic get a unique gimmick, or status effect (ie. max charged wood having a unique effect, or plasma’s effect being reworked to be a bit more unique compared to fire’s burning) or maybe slight modifications to base spells (explosion’s explosion having a 2nd shockwave aoe).

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i don’t understand how each magic (or magic set) getting 1-2 unique spells is “cheap” but I do get how that would be hard to do, and each magic getting its own gimmick thats actually unique would be pretty cool.

Why would you make unique spells for each magic when you can just make these unique spells into scroll-learned spells which can be learned by all magics? Isn’t that literally just objectively better in terms of both gameplay and development time?

both of them only status at high bar, which lasts for 30seconds at most of each fight

It would be better for development time (since its 1/16 of the work). It might be better for gameplay? We literally don’t know how it would affect gameplay unless it gets added. However, it doesn’t solve the issue of Magics not feeling unique beside numbers an looks. (although, the best option in terms of development is probably the gimmick idea that the other guy suggested). I mean, guarenteeing the special spell just by picking the magic sounds like more fun than scroll-hunting to me, so i would prefer having unique spells, but thats just too much to demand, so im fine either way.

yet there are only 8 spells slots so when an enormous amount of spells are added it will actually be quite unique, yes you can have the same spells but you most likely won’t have them.

I have no clue what you don’t understand. If there’s special moves for each magic instead of having all those special moves available to all magics, isn’t that literally just less content for no apparent reason?

With the current system you can still make your own movesets for the different magics and emulate your own “special spells” exactly the same way, except it’s better because all the moves are also available for all the other magics.

Do you want your light magic to have a beam? Then you can do that. Do you want your fire magic to have a blast? You can do that. Except, you can also have it in the reverse. Simply put, this system is better.

how would it take less time to make unique spells for each magic instead of making the same spells for each. significantly more content for less time spent

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the entire thing of arcane odyssey is that finally we don’t fully focus on magic anymore, the big differences are supposed to happen between the 3/4 builds we have (because that’s also easier to balance). rn the entire idea is that different magics aren’t that different, it’s for the purpose of making your build.

THATS WHAT IM SAYING BROOOO!!! :sob::sob::sob::sob: