Arcane Odyssey Hot Takes?

thats not what i said, (at least, its not what i ment) I actually agree that making unique spells for each magic would be too hard to be worth it (not that it wouldn’t be cool as hell). My point was that having something to actually make the magics different is a good idea, even if that isn’t in the form of thematic “special spells”

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again, this isn’t my point, i’m talking about the types as a whole, not just 1 person’s playstyle. My point is, Light and Gold should be more different than “oh ones big and the others fast”

To reiterate, this is not my point. I’m cool with fire and light both having blasts and both having beams, I’m only saying we should add something more too them other than just different numbers and visuals.

Also, to your other point, I’m also not saying scrap Ancient/Lost magic in favor of 1-2 spells for each magic, thats stupid. I’m just saying it would be cool if they added 1-2 unique spells to the list of each magic, just so that each element is guaranteed to be at least a little different (you could even make all magic versions of them as lost or ancient scrolls). As it stands right now, there isn’t any significant difference between most of the magics (especially Metal and Earth).

If only they added something like fire doing burn damage or light blinding people hit. That would add some uniqueness.

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not rlly unique when plasma/metal/magma/acid and other magics apply dot too. just the same thing with a different name and sometimes a different duration. and light blinding isnt even noticeable on any npcs also not even that unique with other sight-impairing status effects like sandy and snowy.

well instead of categorising them as just different stats and visuals, it will now be magics with DoT, magics with blind, magics with catalyst effects, magics with hazards, shadow, wind, crystal.
They have different effects, stats, synergies, special interactions but the same basic spells

80% of the playerbase completely neglects/totally avoids PVP
Chances are if they don’t have a bounty/bad rep and they have a ton of good rep they’ll run if you try and fight them.

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Savant will be the most powerful build mid game and endgame and no amount of balancing will fix it.
The only way savant will NOT be busted is if hybrid awakenings get buffed into redundancy.

Anyone who disagrees please explain why.
I want to disprove any argument you attempt to make at how savant will not dominate mid and late game.

Artisan and spirit weapons will only be viable to warriors and tanks

Lost spells should be more rare, as much as I understand that you need to appease to the masses, the whole description of these spells being “super rare” is bs. I kinda feel like ancient spells/ magic will be the same way. It’d be cool if ancient magic will be as rare as a sunken sword or at least as hard to get.

are you talking about lost spells? or are you talking about the rare spells, which are supposed to be more common to just get a taste of that sweet cool stuff.

Weapons are irritating to use.

I don’t find them fun. You have to get the correct luck to pick up the right weapons I’m doing a warlord file and I’m level 37 without a katana/dual swords so running around is difficult. Getting you have to invest money into them to make them perform as good as strength/magic with enchantments and upgrades. Weapons have been the weakest of the offensive stats to me.

Once again, with the current system, you could just do this by your own, for each of your magics

You’re just ignoring my reasoning bro I give tf up

Explosion should work and be buffed underwater.

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No idiot that makes no sense

an explosion isn’t always charry hot wacky ignition

even if you do ignite that underwater the shockwaves get even stronger.

pvp to clunky to really enjoy.
A ranked system would really help mfs just trying to get good at the pvp and test out their build

there are also to many weapons are its very evident that vetex just ran out of ideas designing these moves and some were obviously rushed (Vindicator)

after research it’s not that dumb so nvm


if vet adds chime to AO I will go on a killing spree

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