Arcane Odyssey Hot Takes?

I think a gimmick would be a fair compromise. It’d likely be easier to program. One idea I had was having Earth being (slightly) more powerful on the ground, and (slightly) less in the air, and vice versa for wind. Etc.

Again, balancing could be an issue. But I’d prefer having distinct magics rather than “balanced” ones that are all virtually the same.

(I apologize for taking so long to respond, you seem to be limited on the amount of responses you can make on your first day.)


Calvus wasn’t that bad of a guy fr fr

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I know you won’t respond to this (and tbh, i dont care if you do). I am not, and have never been, talking about changing the rare spells. I’m saying it would be really cool if each magic got additional spells (1-2) that were a part of their initial list (though perhaps a very high level) that were unique to that magic type.

For example, lets say wind gets the “fly” spell for its “unique” spell. What I’m saying is that the Fly spell should be guaranteed for wind users, they won’t have to find a scroll or anything, and if that really grinds your gears that a magic could have something that is only too itself, then fine, make ancient or lost scrolls have fly but for any magic. In my opinion however, i think it would be better if it was exclusive, since it would encourage replayability. I dont think you should be able to get everything AO will offer in just one save file.

so bad example but: Metal starts with pulsar (mabey at level like 200 or something) but you can still get it for other magics via the scroll?

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yes, basically, thank you

mabey not pulsar but mabey a weakened pulsar (which then can become a full pulsar after using the scroll)
so in the spell menue it would show up as
Pulsar (incomplete)
incomplete spells could have a number of downsides eg:

  • increased Energy usage
  • reduced dammage
  • cannot be modified from default values

and after unlocking pulsar for real all your Pulsar (incomplete) attacks automatically become normal pulsar attacks (also unlocking the options so that it can be changed around)

i mean, the spells were going to be based on the magics (also, they will probably be closer in strength too a normal spell, just different for each magic, so not as strong as pulsar)

i mean for “balance” reasons
since it is basically meant to be nothing more then a imitation of the real technique
because for eg: wind flight like you were suggesting, it would probally eat power even worse then in WoM since it is a imitation made through trial and error and it “works” but not well

magics should get better the more you use them like with fighting styles

We are NOT taking steps back

That was AA’s system almost

N. O.

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Oh wait, you mean like, for example, different magics could have different spell types for a few of their base unlocks but those are still available by scroll for everything? Yeah, I don’t see a problem with that.

Do not make it exclusive though, I already explained why quite clearly I believe

Lack of high tier skills

people just want to have fun and people who drag random kids for using metal magic are THE WORST kinds of losers in the community. stop taking roblox so serious, you’re embarrassing yourself and the rest of us


People who try to consistently use good grammar on the forums:
Dumb Wojak | Images drôles, Garou, Drôle

I am horribly offended by this. You assume I use good grammar solely on the forums? I literally text with college-acceptable grammar.

hey man this is the hot takes thread

things gonna get a lil’ spicy in here

The continent is still better.
I’m dying on this hill

This isn’t even out yet, but the planned “Injuries” mechanic just screams awful game design to me, nearly on par with something like Loomian Legacy’s Mastery gimmick.

Think about it. A lot of people agree that treasure charts are tedious and rarely worth it. Fishing is little more than reacting to an exclamation point (and praying that your clicks register). A lot of features that aren’t direct combat are also combat-related or run the risk of being put into combat, like how diving points are planned to include sharks and whatnot (which is PvE, something that is discouraged by having an injury). Injuries are also planned to only recover at max health (which would get more annoying with the Chest Injury, as that can make your recovery stop randomly), but can also be partially or instantly recovered by potions or food.

…so what’s the point of injuries then? They force you to explore the mechanics nobody truly wants to make use of and they can become a joke if you happen to have the right Food/Potion ingredients or a lot of potions to spare. Mind you, the only thing that Cooking Skill/the Cook profession (another planned feature) does is allow you to cook food that restores more hunger and gives longer status effects. It doesn’t affect if a food item gives status buffs.

Instead of adding forceful ways to make the player engage in other parts of the game, the mechanics that people don’t make too much use out of should be made more compelling. Give the players a reason to hunt down Treasure Spots over sinking ships. Maybe add a little minigame when you hook a fish/item to catch it.

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pretty sure the injury system is mainly to stop you from just bomb rushing bosses/people. but there are definetly better ways than this


injuries are there so you don’t fight people for hours straight non stop and make you chill the hell out. not going to be rng tied, not a very common of an occurance, and can only get 1 at a time

back and hip injuries are the only ones that are of any significance ngl the rest are are bearable to just being a minor inconvenience at best. which can be an issue in of itself for being underwhelming but the point is to give that little extra kick on chilling out.

better ways of approaches for people to chill and do non combative pve? sure ;-;

bosses shouldn’t really be a cause for injury because of grinding reasons but it could dampen ppl constantly grinding bosses. but there’s ppl like me with 44+ files where i could just switch files or use my alchemist or future cook file down the line to insta heal it soooo

but overall i wouldn’t worry about injuries, they don’t seem to be coming for quite a fair while ;-;