Arcane Odyssey Hot Takes?

I’d choose bandit beating over cargo any day :muscle::muscle:

Cooking best way to level up ong

right now AO is a bandit beater with a few side features

i didn’t bandit beat, i just did every quest on an island and generally did the exploration tasks, and was always on level


I don’t really get the bandit beating criticism, tbh. Like yeah the frostmill/stepstones quest gap is probably gonna be a Bandit Beating Moment but afterwards there really aren’t a lot of repeatable combat focused quests to level with.

Infamy is way too easy to get and ranking up is way too short of a process

Bounty is the polar opposite, it’s incredibly hard to get if your bounty isn’t on the island and even then they can just log and getting past villain is practically impossible

The game is mid rn and there needs to be more world/server events. If I’m going to be honest diving spots won’t solve anything and after 30 minutes of farming them they’re gonna be as dry as treasure charts. What vetex really needs to work on is randomly generating boss fights like the boss pirate ships and the kraken boss from arcane adventures. Both of these were very fun to do and were very rewarding. Vetex also needs to do something about the severe lack of rare/powerful items to grind for because they’re are literally none besides sunken items which are lame asf. The rarest thing we have to try and get is a 1/60 chance and it’s boutta get nerfed out of the meta :man_facepalming:.

:red_circle:in a nutshell for those to lazy to read: add more rare items and add world events

The dark sea in question:
(He should’ve waited longer for update 1 so he could actually do it but it’s whatever now)

Dark sea is gonna be so annoying. The insanity YOUR BOAT TAKING CONSTANT DAMAGE LIKE WTH. If it’s the same damage as rough waters that is literally going to be unbearable.

Consider upgrading your stability stat :person_shrugging:

i would be really damn surprised if there wasn’t some way of having your boat not take damage in the dark sea atleast for some time

insanity being something you’re just meant to avoid altogether instead of it being a playable and adding a unique way for builds to function is really lame ngl.

he knows and that’s what he is doing. He only added the water breathing potion because he wants to move on + he also said about jewels and crafting system that he may move it since he wants to start working on dark sea. (from trello)

The dark sea is only like that now because you arent meant to access it, it’s probably going to not be a “enter here and you immediately get fucked” zone when its actually released

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Even for an early access game, AO is bone-dry. Vetex should have waited until he had a lot more content ready. I love the game, but it should have been given another 3-5 months at least.

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Vetex should do more with hunger and food, cooking is a fun mechanic that felt underutalized.

As of now, Hunger is literally just an inconvenience–if even that. You can literally just carry around an entire forest’s bounty of food. Part of me wonders why Vetex even added it, he could have just had cooking without the hunger.

There is just how much he can do without making food do things that other features should, like potions.

Imo cooking is by no means in a bad spot rn, recently I’ve been cooking recovery and fortified meals for combat, and they make A LOT of difference

It was intended to quite literally force the player to make food, which in hindsight is stupid but makes cooking oddly rewarding.

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I don’t like how the build or magic you go for so directly changes how easy or hard the game is. I max out a total of 8 slots with variety of builds and some bosses are so impossible with one build but yet so easy with another. (mainly referring to boss fights with calvus and ellius even the samurai boss can be impossible with some magics) DONT YOU DARE FUCKING SAY SKILL ISSUE LIKE I SAID I GOT 8 MAX OUT SLOTS I GOT SHIT TONS OF TIME PLAYED AND SKILL

My brother in christ that’s not even a skill issue anymore, that’s just fucking sad