Arcane Odyssey Hot Takes?

gotta agree with lich. thats just kinda sad
i haven’t done many slots but by just using the tactics I learned on my first slot every boss was pretty easy

Calvus and Elius I get, but it’s entirely possible to beat Shura with the base fighting style’s M1s if you give yourself some time to regain HP.

entirely false
magic barely changes difficulty at all

In my opinion World of Magic was better.

Sure, Arcane Odyssey has better mechanics (with the weapons system and naval combat being great additions to the game), but it just lacks the pure feeling of adventure and exploration that World of Magic had.
Arcane Odyssey honestly feels a lot more tense in comparison, with the story (which has been shown to be the weakest part of the game) being shoved down out throats.


I know this is a thread about hot-takes and unpopular opinions, but this is just objectively wrong…

To each their own tho, it’s not like I can change other peoples opinions


I think WOM had nowhere really to go, but what was there just felt better than what we have now. I guess you could say that the game kinda lost its magic. Honestly, I know what you mean and while I don’t completely agree, I do see what you’re getting at. Arcane Odyssey feels really, really stale–it’s not exactly unique in terms of design, heck, half of its systems are ripped straight from other media (I’m looking at you, cooking).


nah mate go ahead run a crystal earth or metal slot then go run a plasma its not like impossible my bad for wording it wrong but for new players who dont have a lot of skill it is insanely more difficult

dude i got speed runs in the game its not like i struggle to beat it but with some builds it can add like 3 hours to how long it takes you to beat it

also they need to fix or change this back in world of magic my fit looked like this
drippy but in ao they added chainmail and its so ugly

lookin like a jump suit


Bro looked like a Grand Navy dude before it was cool.

You know I wonder if continents would solve the issue people have with distruction and AOE stuff since more movement and less likely get have an entire place decked because some asshole did a funny and turned the ground fight into a hover match.

Some bosses (mostly just Calvus and Elius for most) are hard however I wouldn’t say any build is bad at all. It just takes a playstyle to get used to. Once you find the style you like you can sweep with it. I found it easy and fun to play Berserker, but then I started doing more tank builds
since it suits my defensive playstyle. My friends went through a ton of builds until they found the one they liked the most. One of my dudes became a tanky Knight, one became a glass cannon mage, etc…

In this case, you’re just awful at the game given you have 8 of those slots. GG
(or maybe you’re just using the wrong one)

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The whole Hunger and Cooking mechanic feels really superfluous. I know that cooking gives the player buffs, but those sound like they could’ve fit right in with potion brewing, which focuses around doing that. The Hunger bar is a nuisance, and collecting food adds clutter to the player’s Backpack, which is amplified by how every tool the player has also goes in there against your own will. In WoM, you could only have two tools out at a time, but there was no mother of all messes in your hotbar or backpack.

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bro why do people think i was complaining about how bad i am at the game i legit can beat it in under 8 hours. which is how ik that some builds it can take double as long as others. its not even builds but weapons and fighting styles directly effect how easy pve. which is what I dont like for example you are berserker im guessing you use thermo try boxing and tell me if its easier or harder to kill calvus and by how much it changes. and that change is what im complaining about

thats what im complaining about that in some boss fights its legit easier to m1 them than to use your low damage magic. which if you choose a higher damage magic it would be easier to use your magic it instead of m1ing

Boss fights? Early game it’s not even worth using magic against standard enemies. With everything dealing 2 damage per hit, there’s no real reason to try and hit enemies with the MINUSCULE magic hitbox for like 30 damage. Just take out the dagger and hold M1 until everything’s dead.

and thats what im bitching about

This is exactly what im also mad about. I was complaining about elius and saying that it was bad game design and the responses I got were “Just spam m1 dude skill issue”

THIS (sentence incomplete)

bro why do people think i was complaining about how bad i am at the game

(mainly referring to boss fights with calvus and ellius even the samurai boss can be impossible with some magics)

Every fighting style has the same moves, it just takes like 10 minutes to get used to one. Boxing is mediocre compared to the other ones cause of the damage sure but it’s not unusable or anything