Arcane Odyssey Hot Takes?

Reinforced captains are okay, just the fortified I feel that are too OP rn

yea, and as I said, It’s the ones with the “Strong” title. I’ve encountered Average captains on Fortified ships and they pull off a decent fight, but if you either cheese or think tactically, you can kill em off easily

Fair enough, but some sort of heads up would be nice, otherwise you rush in, only to get your ass kicked by them

Carina you can just keep your distance from, unless you happen to be a berserker in which case yeah, I can see why she’d be a bit difficult.

Clavus is literally just a Fromsoftware boss but with the mobility of a caffeinated fruit fly. If you have any points in weapons, I very strongly suggest you use a shield, and remember: KEEP THAT SUCKER IN YOUR SIGHTS AT ALL TIMES.

The game would be more interesting if we did away with builds and went back to the AA style of weapons/fs being usable by every player.

who let him cook

Sheesh that sounds awful
Killing bosses for you must be quite the challenge
I hope you’ll triumph over these obstacles
Let me give you some advice
Leverage is a good weapon

In case you can’t dodge in time
Survive the hit with the G key
Sometimes you might need to retreat
Until you’re healthier again
Expecting a drop after beating a boss is foolish


This is GOLD right here

you think that’s bad? my idea was making magic size, speed, and agility not scale with armor level or player level, and instead just have preset amounts

Calvus is really not that hard once you get how his 1.5k damage pillar attack works. Literally just hit him while he’s casting and slam your finger on the block key. That’s all it takes to reduce it to 100 dmg at worst. The rest of his attacks are pretty easy to dodge, and his big “screw you” aether ball is easy to block and predictable enough that you can afford to flex a bit by outright parrying it.

The only moves that catch me off guard frequently are the fake-out explosion he sometimes does instead of the big orb and the melee thing, which you don’t even need to worry about unless you’re a strength build.

No, your worst nemesis in this fight is the terrain destruction and the way it likes to rebuild while you’re in the floor.

Sadly you can beat Carina with minimum movement while forgetting blocking exists

bro this is amazing :joy:

even after all the good buffs it got/it’s getting?


are you that Bella Graves guy…?

Injuries should only happen when you take a ton of DMG at once. Even at that, the sole PURPOSE of injuries is horrible. What if I’m sparring with a friend somewhere and suddenly I get an injury, whoops, now I’ve gotta wait 10 minutes to fight again.

How I’d prefer injuries:

  1. disappear on death
  2. only appear when you take a lot of dmg at once
  3. only occur when you fight an enemy higher lvl than you


Lord Elius has a 4 second opening. Use your brain and hit him with that.


And Carina? Bro, she practically tosses pillows at you with that measly DMG. Can’t aim? Spam AOE attacks(shockwave for magic users)

That’s literally the current injury system. Problem is, it literally ONLY affects weapons. Magic and strength work just fine when you’re missing an arm.

… which really doesn’t make sense, so honestly I think the entire system is kinda eh.

Their introduction explains

or what i would rather have is a gamemode for pvp. like come on literally every other roblox game has this shit lol.


Warlord is boring. I don’t care what you say, it just gets boring after a while.