Arcane Odyssey Hot Takes?

LMAO ok bro

Not overpowered, it’s just balanced. It’s a class that rewards skill.

Anyone can make conjuror look busted with skill, but the thing is in early game conjuror was looked down upon due to many unskilled players using it.

nice name

I’m actually afraid of the brewing update. I can tell it will easily topple the meta, and potions have actually impactful uses, with the only restrictions being “you have to grind for it”.

just like the hit roblox game deepwoken

At least in Deepwoken potions are enough of a hassle to not be super annoying, but in AO you can actually passively get reagents and ingredients for potions. Also, Deepwoken doesn’t have a potion that gives you:

  1. Walmart ESP
  2. Walmart invisibility
  3. Literal pocket tsunami
  4. Pseudo stat potions(gives power or agility for example)

what’s an insanity potion gonna do against a tsunami??

Deepwoken literally has speed and damage pots.

The thing with Deepwoken alchemy is is that it’s been nerfed into nothingness and is almost useless to invest in besides select potions made by min maxed potion builds.

AO potions will be a problem on release but they will be dealt with afterwards, look at every GPO update where the new stuff is broken op or Deepwoken’s release with the most stupidly unbalanced builds and laughable balance (although that was hella fun to play with ngl).

Also wtf is a Tsunami gonna do ingame? They do no damage to you so worst you’ll have is some ship damage (just use a ram)

Tsunami’s can be a nuisance if you get caught in one. Also, isn’t there a mini whirlpool potion, too?

Oh shiver me timbers a mild inconvenience, also yes there is a whirlpool one (just mash the escape button :scream:)

you literally can’t escape whirlpools if you aren’t a strength class

And even at that, whirlpools will stun for a while. The enemy can hit you while you’re trying to escape.

Also also, this is a hot take.

The whole potions ruining meta is a pretty common take, I was just referring to how Deepwoken has the same stuff and some potions are straight useless (all status effect potions without gel).

Also you can escape whirlpools without strength, just gotta be hella lucky

in the 12 times I’ve been caught in a whirlpool, I’ve escaped from none of them. Why should you need luck to escape a whirlpool without strength in a game?

The PvPers will drown in this update


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Idk go ask vetex that’s just how he made it

There should not be gear with fingers
this is probably because the asset had fingers from wherever or whenever it was developed, but delete them

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I don’t really like the disguise system for Ravenna, it just covers up your character in a boring way. I know it makes sense in a thematic way, but I’d really like it if they added a setting that disables that and lets you just play the game while looking normal. Also, the jail system is just dumb. It’s negative reinforcement for being bad at pvp, which I think could be a turn off for it if you’re a negative rep. What would you like better, more time to play an improve, or being temp banned because you weren’t good enough?

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