Arcane Odyssey Hot Takes?

I don’t know if that’s a good game design philosophy. First of all, GPO is just garbage as a game for new players. I should know. I foolishly put the time in to max my character out because the guide on the wiki said, “It’s not fun at first, but you can start to have fun at max level.” Secondly, there should be testers who make sure the mechanic is both balanced and fun to play with. What’s the point of all these testers and their feedback if it’s just gonna be overpowered as hell at first? Even if they’ll be fixed, it still undermines the point of testing before release.

I’m not saying it’s a design philosophy but it’s just how AO and most Roblox games have gone, have testers to make it slightly more balanced but still release it in a stupid state.

Just look at Pulsar, sky pumpkin farming, kai/merlot wall cheese, etc. Balance was worse in testing (evident in the tester tourney) but released ever so slightly better

I’m gonna be honest—balancing is a stupidly difficult task that’s sometimes not even worth it. Even most AAA games have iffy balance, look at Smash Bros Ultimate: is Ganondorf, Kirby or Little Mac any good competitively? No, not really. And those are individual characters, not little things the player can choose that adds up over time.


You forgot slow + greatburst. You can literally combo if your opponent with ease if they aren’t prepared with an agility potion
Ill personally be using this combo with water iron leg

two solutions:

  1. diminishing returns or hard caps for magic size and agility
  2. my solution of not letting magic size and agility scale with leveling up your armor

any other ideas? actually i brainstormed one right now and it’s making magic size and agility have a SHARED diminishing return threshold

I unironically like boxing, simply because of the gloves, oddly entertaining knockback, and the funny effects. I sincerely hope it never gets removed, although a glove toggle would be good, and a rework of some kind is definately needed.

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now this is a hot take

They should make it so that if you aren’t facing a player or npc, moves like crash, rushdown, knocking blitz, or other movement type moves don’t travel far, whether you are in pvp or not. Everyone is gonna love that change! Not like it’s even remotely controversial! (sarcasm)

That’s in the balance doc right?

Ok hot take: Remove vitality, it’s useless right now and the spriit weapons don’t seem interesting enough, it’s just a big gimmick and we would be better off without it

Honestly, I can see people agreeing with this take. Spirit weapons sound really complicated to balance right, and vitality as a concept as Vetex is trying to make it is quite confusing. Like, you make it so you can’t die easily, but then you need to kill yourself slowly to be effective in combat? And how the hell would these weapons work, like normal weapons? It’s just really hard to visualize without him putting any focus towards it whatsoever.

that already exists? (from what I understand you move further only when you’re in combat)

It literally says (sarcasm) how dense are you

chainmail sets should have no chainmail shirt when chest armor is toggled off

not reading everything and the replies after the whole day of reading i had, so, idk if somebody pointed this out but,
Rare Spell*

Intensity is pretty good as long as you have a way of applying a damaging status effect.

It literally extends the amount of time that your opponent’s passive regen gets disabled or nerfed (depending on their health). It’s especially good if you aren’t able to hit them that consistently, since you will have a larger grace window before they are able to regen normally again.

also big poison clouds are funny

denser than the enchant

Dark sea ruined the game’s balance and nimbus will probably be hard as hell or a joke.


I think its gonna be the former.

I mean, come on, we’re getting fortified Brigs and Ketches there- :sob:

Also, Vetex implied we’re gonna need the Dark Sea stuff

Pulsar is better off forgotten