Arcane Odyssey Hot Takes?

Well that’s kind off a middle finger to a normal profession players

Let’s say I’m a new player who after a while reached lvl 125 and nimbus is already out? Am I going to max out jewel crafting get the best sets out there and THEN head to the nimbus sea? I just can’t see it working out since the gaps the dark sea has created is just that big.

Wotan is also interested in the dark sea and he is WAY more powerful so like they have the dark sea items as well

his sons probably also have sea curses and we’re probably gonna have to fight at least one of them

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Imagine a boss fight on a ship tho that would be so cool

I suggested something like that imagine the last sunken set will be of a mutated atalntean boss that will jump on your deck randomly in the far reaches.

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i remember he said it’s more of a place to gear up each sea, meaning you’re expected to upgrade your gear a bit, not minmax to high hell

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averill flashbacks

thats what people are doing tho bec they have extra time and no lives

i mean the nimbus sea difficulty should be geared towards a mix of dark sea and bronze sea gear, vimir (what i think third will be based on what some people say) should be a mix of dark sea and nimbus sea, etc etc

rn I would say the magics and weapons and stuff are somewhat balanced but the game still somewhat revolves around luck like a lot of the ways to get rare or op stuff is purely luck

What I mean by this is there is an unequal gap in power between those who play 4 hours a day and those who play half

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Arcane Odyssey has a very rough new player onboarding experience that will need to be improved upon sooner rather than later if the game wants to actually grow instead of clinging to a core audience that has been waiting for the game for years.

Two particularly egregious examples are jewelcrafting and reflexes.

Jewelcrafting doesn’t have any in game quest that explains how it works, that it exists at all, where to find secondaries, that crafting jewels with Luck 4 guarantees the highest possible roll on the secondary giving stat, or that you need 5 of a secondary for every 1 gem. When gems were only +9 of a secondary stat or +28 def/+3 power, it was excusable that they could be skipped over; but as gems get better and add more stats, the importance of having Perfect jewelcrafting will only increase over time.

Reflexes are probably what I’m most worried about, though. As it stands, it is very easy for a new player to completely skip over Whitesummit, given how remote and out of the way it is. This would mean they have no idea that it has quests, as they wouldn’t be able to hover over the island to get the overlay that says how many quests are on the island. Even more worrying than that is the fact that the new bits of the story, according to the Trello, seem to move as follows:
Meditation → Mount Orthys → Wind-Row → IMMEDIATELY Nimbus Sea. This means that now players will be ushered out of the Bronze Sea and probably won’t even think to go all the way back to Whitesummit to check for a quest at level 120 without someone else telling them.
Given how important reflexes are to the combat and how it flows, the fact that it’s so easy to miss is going to have very unfortunate consequences in the future.

These don’t even go into how hard things like PvP is to get into (hello, desyncs!), the weird drop rate disparities (sunken 1/3000 vs boss drop 1/10), how little the game does to actually help you figure out how to gear and how exactly stats affect you (save for power and defense), and niche information that you’d only glean from following the Trello since the beginning such as how killing sea monsters and sharks without an attachment cuts the droprate significantly, and that if you want that increased droprate, you only need to finish the monster with the attachment.


well anyone that has a life would be able to figure it out, and even if they don’t they will at least see one player with a reflex and ask or try to figure it out and then they will stumble across the trello this website etc

its not like the bronze sea should be useless after you get to 125 in the story

I personally don’t believe that a major mechanic that completely changes how you fight should NOT be something you have to just “figure out”, especially given that I don’t know any other MMO that does this.

Finding secrets, bits of lore, quests that give cosmetics, and other more superfluous things being things you stumble on or have to seek out in game, sure, I get it.

A combat defining mobility option that is never mentioned by any NPC on an island in the middle of nowhere and isn’t even available until level 120, long after people are in that section of the map? Yeah, you should probably tell the player about that.

Sure, except there’s no card SPECIFICALLY for reflexes on the trello, meaning you’d have to dig through all of the patch notes until you found the information on it, which is a monumental pain in the rear, and expecting a random roblox player to do that is absurd.


I mean the discord bruh

I personally never went on discord for something I didn’t understand about a game and in general it’s no good to be so dependent on such things.

buddy not everyone is like you you know theres a platform called youtube?

My point is as a game dev you shouldn’t be dependent on such.


This. AO fans seem to believe that everyone that plays the game reads the Trello and Vetex social medias


Ao fans trying not to reference the docs challenge: impossible

whats the docs challenge