Arcane Odyssey Hot Takes?

everything should be able to be gotten from inside the game, that’s like one of the biggest problems with deepwoken on how you 100% need a wiki.

don’t turn arcane odyssey into that.

if the dude was some guy you talk to on an island you 100% would visit then yeah atleast that’s kinda fair, but that bitchass is on the fucking criminal island lol


AO sucks when is cool stuff coming out

I agree with this bro I’m a gamer and I’ve been playing wom since release and I had so much trouble figuring out the new crew system and jewel crafting system and I would have never figured it out without the wiki.

“I’m a gamer” :joy:

not making fun of you bro just making fun of the statement

musket & flintlock(s) m1 should have stayed hitscan and musket should have gotten a different ability than piercing shot

Too many grind

I don’t fully agree with that, to me it seems like deepwoken was going for the mystery and figuring out on your own which they kinda failed as it’s really difficult to do such thing nowadays when you have discord, trello, youtube and such…

You can finish the game in around 11 hours without cheesing

well hes acting like someone who plays rlbx games as a 13 yr old or older wouldn’t know about any of those things

To me lore is not only text and such it is storytelling take quests for example even the simple side quests such as the coconut one it makes you see new islands explore the map and from that you learn about the world not to mention the storyline they all tell a story and even I when I was a kid knew everything about the map of aa and loved the characters without actually reading anything.

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“when I was a kid”

how old are you bruh

Now I’m a teen B)

wth bro thats still a kid

Hate to break it to you bud, but I’d wager about half this forum is below the age of 20.

Then what do you want me to say “back when i was younger”? Lmao

It’s better that way

Yes and no, if we’re being honest

so am I bruh ao is 13+

There’s pros and cons, believe me… you’ll learn them soon enough.

There were a lot of cases if you know what I mean.