Arcane Odyssey Hot Takes?

some of the memes and suggestions are 18+ :sob:

What do you mean, cases?

I haven’t been here for quite a while.

Better off not knowing and I probably shouldn’t talk about topics like this


just look around and you might find something

does that include gemcrafting, brewing, ship parts and dark sea?

no he means story

pretty sure

story isnt grind

ye pretty sure story speedrun is like 3 hours lol

Ofc not lmao im talking route to max lvl

Even that shouldn’t take you too long it’s just Roblox players being used to short ass games

im used to having fun playing video games not grinding potion ingredients and gems


I agree with you on that but time wise it doesn’t take too long it’s just not engaging whatsoever.

even dark sea takes way too long for anything to happen, along with the unpreventable rng deaths that still havent been removed for some unknown reason making it nigh-impossible to do solo

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Where is the glass conj

That’s why they say ao is meant for it’s certain community, the game requires patience for it to be completed and I honestly see it as a passion project that is being taken seriously.


huh whats ur ship build?

nonexistent because i stopped playing a bit ago

there we go