Arcane Odyssey Hot Takes?

ship build isnt gonna save you from lightning tf you mean

You have a beluga pfp
i know for a fact you aint an adult

thats what im saying bruh

nothing saves you from lightning I get struck once every 10 minutes in the ds

the game sucks

arcane odyssey youtube commenter simulator

please fucking remove foggy weather i just want to upgrade my deckhands.

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Also I don’t mean to necro this thread like this, but just today I had a friend of mine who hadn’t played AO in several months start up again, and get jumped several times. After getting on and helping him, I asked if he had reflexes, and he had no idea what that was.

I’m not saying it’s a foregone conclusion, but there’s a VERY real chance that had he had reflexes, he would not have lost (cuz the people I fought were awful), and probably would’ve quit again had I not taught him what I had.

Imagine all the people who have this happen to them and DON’T have a friend to help them out or tell them about an ESSENTIAL part of combat that the game keeps from you. Not everyone sits and stares at the Trello or the Discord in the way that some of us do.

Just food for thought.

dodge reflex being accessible at whitesummit of all places is such a common gripe that it’s not even a hot take. just, why not make this a story quest right after the jaws meditation

yeah dodge reflex just shouldn’t be an option/missable thing at all. add it to the story.

or at the VERY least somewhere more easily findable.

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I think the best way to introduce reflexes would be after you get back from your awakening (since you are guaranteed to be a high enough level for reflexes after awakening). Iris could say that Warren mentioned it while you were gone, and that it may be a good idea if you want to get stronger. It could be said that “someone powerful that Warren knows about resides at whitesummit and could teach you”


yeah that’d be good. still think there should be some quest for it too then to be safe. there’s enough people that don’t care too much about the story and just click through it

Lightning in The Dark Sea is okay right now. It is almost never hits me.

Zeus just scared of me, lol.

People who say otherwise either are in the dark sea for way too many hours, or are for way too little hours and got unlucky in those hours.
It’s not that often, really.

Though, i never went past insanity 1 otherwise i wouldn’t get back to the bronze sea before i have to do something IRL.

As of recently I have been getting struck by lightning very commonly, but it happens so often it has become a running joke and people have to avoid standing near me in the dark sea to avoid getting hit too.

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Why you talking about Zeus when Poseidon gives you an awakening? Water god on toppppppppp

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The true Fury of the Sea is my rage when I fish up 4 Sunken elements with a Bronze rod in 30 min and not getting an actual Sunken item
