Arcane Odyssey Riddle

a descendant from some god, implied to be zeus because of the eagle patrimony (though my personal theory as to why the player is so special is because he’s the descendant of several gods)

Ok but usually in the Greek mythos when a god and a demigod have a child, the child is a god. So I don’t really see how that’s possible

2 demigods


alternatively the bloodline just waters down so fucking much

imma just throw stuff out there.

What if this is morden.

1st line: Morden is the golden ichor/one with the blood of the gods haveing to do his best to make US (player) last

2nd line: Fire the furnace that burns still (us we lost our memory he wants us to get memory back), even if he has to inherit the death curses will (will is grey kinda like death curse maybe)

3rd line: couple different things. Morden WILL die in keraxe, The sword of time has fallen for morden as he is now immortal, Morden needs to get ready to kill.

Morden Dies

If this is all related to mordon rather than us mostly, morden will die and we need to brace ourselves when we hear of it ingame.

Morden's Immortality/Time

Morden is immortal therefore the sword of time has fallen and morden has to brace for that like what empress of sameria said. 2nd part Could be in the plot that the sword of time itself falls because of the order and we are bracing for time to stop in some way.

Morden Killing

He needs to learn everyone will die and needs to embrace it so he can kill (least stable of my 3)

4th Line: Keraxe is going to do something they will regret

Killing Morden

MC crashes out and also gets memories back.

Something Goes Wrong In Dark Sea

Self explanitory. They research the dark sea, do some expiriments, and now are facing reprecussions from MC/Morden or their expiriments

Throwing out some idea’s to try to help out

Tech is still offline. I will message him again on friday, unless he answers earlier.

Well, actually. I can share my document with you guys, but I will disintegrate you from the reality if you try to build a theory off of unconfirmed document without mentionning that, because it’s could lead to other people confusing it with confirmed information.

I theorize that the riddles answer is 4

close its actually



I’m pretty sure that’s low enough quantum fluctuations shift it enough that it’s within the boundary of error :+1:

Anyone knows what last line means? I have some troubles with english, so it is not really clear for me, what “remedy” means here?

Remedy usually means to be fixed or to fix.
I’m unsure what Tech means by the past, present and subsequent though

I am aware that those lines could lead to specific events in the storyline, instead of the overall narrative. This way its will be incredibly hard to theorise on things that haven’t happened yet, since they will require very precise information to be solved, unlike first riddle.

So yeah, this is gonna be an Age of Imaginery and painful method of trial and error again.

what do we have for the riddle so far? i want to try to help but im starting from 0 rn

Not much. No confirmed info, but this one document and latest screen of Tech’s message gives a path for theorising.

ok ill try to use this info then

MC do your best to make the world/sea survive, send the war seas back into warring even if it means you have to be a part of it, an old threat will reapear so be ready for its appearance, the order that seeks power will be destroyed by that power.

tried to make it a little more litteral, could be the order expirimenting on people will be destroyed by those people rather than whatever that old power is.

So mortal doesn’t kill me, this is based off mortals document

I think he means “fixing past mistakes in the present”… :thinking:

I did have a feeling thats the theme of AO, theres a consistent theme of legacies and family with a lot of characters. The idea of becoming better (or worse) than those who came before you.

This meaning fits the AO’s sad soundtrack. The one that was introduced before the release of the game.

Wait, I think I got something… hmm, I wanna confirm it first tho. Tomorrow, its late