Arcane Odyssey Riddle

Promethean Fire Curse comeback? :flushed:

Well, Promethean Flame Curse isn’t something that’s obtainable. Probably PF magic

Hmm, Morrocks Fire Sword???

yeah but there’s prim magics

WAIT, NO, we’ve been tricked. this ain’t a riddle, this is an answer, you remember the four statue in world of magic? all of that four statues is god sculpture, and there’s four of them, prometheus, hepaesthus, khronos, and the other one… do you know what i mean? yes, this four sentence is the translate of that ancient ruin on the statue

Bro I deciphered the ancient texts. You’re so wrong. @rockycanyons don’t mind this man

o… my bad then

I have a feeling this will never get solved

im working on it


AO is the best!

I think that the line “those that reap the wind shall sow the whirlwind” means those that kill something will end up becoming a worse version of what they have killed, or will end up second handed making the bigger problem, since wind is a less severe version of a whirlwind, so maybe the peacekeeper who killed durza (the wind) will end up becoming or making the greater threat (whirlwind)
just a theory though


First line: Golden ichor of long past, do your best to make it last,
The Golden Ichor may be a metal from an old age, which is in liquid form. And you need to maintain it so it doesn’t degrade.
Second line: fire the furnace that burns still, even if you have to inherit its will,"
The furnace may be used to forge the sword of time in the next line. As for inheriting its will, the furnace may be owned by some monster who you need to convince you are the descendant of to literally inherit the contents of its will.
Third Line: the sword of time pierces all, brace yourself for its fall.
You forge the sword of time with that furnace from earlier to slay the big bad or something. “Brace yourself for its fall,” might just be a warning to us for what happens in the next line.
Fourth Line: Those who sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind.
It’s a line to represent some catastrophe from forging the Sword of Time. Maybe Morden died in the process or the sword breaks and you’re left powerless after depending on it for slow long (Which might explain the “Brace yourself for its fall.” It’s warning you against relying on the weapon before it breaks.)

Or, perhaps they’re metaphors that aren’t meant to be taken literally.

Or, perhaps maybe this riddle exists to bamboozle us.

Or, perhaps pee is stored in the balls.

Tech said it’s easy when you know ALL of the lore, and since he and Vetex know the full lore, ofc it’s easy to write the riddle in 10 damn minutes

so there’s obviously parts of this that reference in the lore that we don’t know about

I’m going to ignore all the lore.
Yes because why not.
Thus this is gonna be really inaccurate but I had fun thinking about it so why not.

What’s the name of the game? Arcane Odyssey. The story of Odysseus, however, does not begin with his odyssey. It begins, interestingly enough, in the Trojan War.

Golden ichor of long past

Ichor is the blood of the gods. What started the Trojan War? “The face that launched a thousand ships”. Helen of Troy is said to have been the daughter of Zeus and Leda. Thus, being a daughter of Zeus… she’s the blood of the gods.

do your best to make it last

Protect it?

fire the furnace that burns still, even if you have to inherit its will

What is the location we’re in? The War Seas. The furnace could refer to war, and thus it says that we must start a war, even if we have to face its consequences.

the sword of time pierces all, brace yourself for its fall

As several have said before, this could be metaphorical (though I doubt it).

Those who sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind.

By taking Helen of Troy from her husband (whether by force or by love), Paris started the Trojan War. Every action has consequences, and in this case it caused a decade of war.

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ngl that made perfect sense

only thing is that ALL gods are dead

but submit this to tech, who knows

nvm mind that, we got rejected stone cold

does the image that the words overlay hint to what it might be? or is it just there for no reason?

(idk if u guys already talked about that im too lazy to sit down for 3 hrs and read 600 coments.)