Arcane Odyssey Riddle

well actually (other than the sun) it would make more sense for the grand flame curses to land there cause its were Prometheus lived

yes, durza’s defeat could’ve caused many curses to have appeared in the war seas, which would subsequently have been used in the wars there

isnt it called the war seas cause of curse beard killing the gods in a grand war there and not cause tons of wars going on?


the war seas are on the other side of the world compared to AA

my question is, how the hell did the absorption curse just go to a random island and not the fucking moon or a different galaxy cause id say its much more stronger than the Promethean flame curses


like isnt the Promethean flame curse going to the sun but the absorption curse no going even out of the world kinda a plot hole for super powerful curses?

It’s not like prometheus picked and chose where they went

No, there’s a ton of warring kingdoms that have been at war for centuries

from what i can tell curses go to the place closest to there element when the person with it dies, like Promethean flame to the sun

so wouldnt absorption curse go to a place with MASSIVE amounts of people or things that devourer stuff for power and energy?

you think when it refers to long past ichor and making it last, they’re referring to the descendant of a god

well most people think that or either aurem 2.0

well i was checking random things on the trello and looked a bit into arcanium and maybe the time sword is a Exalted Magic Weapon aka super powered magic items or it could be ancient arcanium which is super magic items pre dating humans gaining magic

No they just shoot out of their body, doesn’t go anywhere specific

the magma curse was in a volcano, the sand curse was in a sand kingdom, etc

because they were put there.

can you maybe make a post stockpiling all the information and theories? since its now a mess .

sure (ten)