Arcane Odyssey Riddle

congrats on being the 420th post dude

I like where your head is at.

definitely guessing something to do with primitive magic.

What the final boss will probably be


This is entirely my interpretation and I am relatively sure it’s completely incorrect, but I wanted to post it anyways just to see.

prometheus delivered magic itself to the hoomans (and magic is closely connected to the gods and titans such as prometheus himself, that falling is akin to blood of the gods falling as well), and that fueled the furnace that is still burning as magic started to evolve, and through time those who amassed great magical power were pierced such as durza and cursebeard and eventually died. And those who sow the wind and reap the whirlwind could be in reference to the fact that those who practice magic will see results and become stronger.

This is just my smol brain interpretationtato of it.

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Yes man this is a cool post

You know what, the thing where you said “magic fading away?” could potentialy make sence. As its confirmed that the new Magic Council will use weapons and not magic.

So if I make a wild guess here: You might need to somehow make magic more popular or some shit agian. And then the “Sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind” which means that our actions will come back to us, which maybe means that whatever we do to try make magic popular might backfire, and make the new magic users get evil and make stuff harder for us or whatever.
Thats just a wild guess ok bye

no? he is an unknown

Golden ichor of long past, meaning immortal god blood, do your best to make it last perhaps something to due with the ichor? Fire (something to fire something such as a person or does have to do with the flame) the furnace that burns still = the god gave someone the furnace?
Even if u have to inherit its will something to do written with the god?
The sword of time pierces all, hm… a scythe related to the father of Zeus and the one who ate his siblings?
Brace yourself for its fall meaning someone who has the sword is defeated
Those who sow the wind meaning perhaps something to do with finding a direction that is within the wind, shall reap the whirlwind (meaning the tornadoes?)

But perhaps that eons is already heree?

this is a way for techlevel to say he has a severe drug addiction because i do not believe he wrote this while being sober

The gods survive as long as they are believed in.

Also, by the way, I have started to change the interpretation.
I’m starting to think this is what it means,
Golden ichor of long past,
Do your best to make it last,
Let me start with the first line which is “Golden ichor of long past”. This line could mean that it has to do with the immortal blood and a person who is a descendant of the god still has the ichor blood that the gods have. Like someone stated they said that it never mentions all the demigods were defeated, but it could mean that some of the demigods went into hiding.
Now let me start with the second line: “do your best to make it last” could this mean about generations, think about it do your best to make it last could be referring to make the golden ichor continue in generations.

fire the furnace that burns still,
even if you have to inherit its will,
Let’s start with the first line"fire the furnace that burns still". The keyword here is “Fire” this could mean something to do with a person considering that you can’t “fire” a furnace. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Perhaps someone who found a furnace that is frozen in time. “It burns still” could relate to the furnace is frozen in time but it still is burning which could have to do with it burning something.
Let me start with the second line, “even if you have to inherit it’s will”. This here is kind of tricky. It could have to do with what the god who gave the people magic wanted to really happen but the humans didn’t do what he gave them it for. For ex: he wanted magic as a peaceful solution. This could be the reason he gave the magic and he wants the person who has the will to carry it out but the person could not want to do the will. Let me simplify it. The reason is given to the person named in a will but that person who is named in the will doesn’t want to carry it out, but the person giving it to him insists, so he accepts so he doesn’t have to be bothered over it. Does this make more sense now?

the sword of time pierces all,
brace yourself for its fall.

The first line says, “the sword of time pierces all”. This could have to do with the exiled sword. Notice how the sword of time has a green tint. Another one could be the player possibly. Considering that the player died wayy before AA even started plus they were accidentally revived and perhaps they finally get their memories back via the exiled sword? I don’t know about this line. Lol.

brace yourself for its fall
This line could have to do when a person who wields the sword of time (exiled sword) dies, when they die they release a destructive amount of energy that pretty much will destroy everyone that is (a distance) near the death.

“Those who sow the wind,
shall reap the whirlwind.”

This could have to do with a battle between the gods and Arthur. After all, in the lore it states,

“In secret, Prometheus also created the Grand Fire Curses, hoping a human would find them someday and defeat Arthur. Mount Olympus and most of the gods were killed in the war, as well as several thousand human wizards.”

Morden probably gonna look like Theos lol, im just imagining it.

Some people are just looking at the riddle too literally.

He said it wasn’t that hard…

Says that in Percy Jackson, where Kronos gets split apart in the final battle between Percy and Luke.

Yep exactly

whos pk

Well, anything you want to say after all, how did you easily predict this xD. Hm… you were right after all…