Arcane Odyssey Riddle

It doesn’t go there because it doesn’t have Prometheus’ fire infused in it.


I doubt it would have anything to do wit exiled sword since it’s non canon

Atleast now it is, because exiled Is going bye bye

Why is r-word banned?

Pretty sure the sword has the tint cause of the light maigc in it

I’ve done it intentionally. Sometimes, people read too much into things (I do it too) which is why I intentionally tried to take it at face value.

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But it’s the only hero atm that is an NPC that has a sword.

Hes not going to be in ao and neither will his sword


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i want some of those pastries

Yeah but the problem with that is the riddle makes no sense in the context of the Arcane Lore when you look at it literally.

I meant what the words themselves imply, and not what the hidden meaning of the riddle parts in general.

Burning pledge, with enough pain and suffering you shall see. Hence the his will, you earn the power. Lightning can only be redirected to something better.


I think when it says inherit the will, it means you will have to use Primitive Magic, which shortens lifespan.

arcane odyssey riddle


This man for real rhymed “wind” with “whirlwind”

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He didn’t rhyme them, it’s a quote from the Bible