Arcane Odyssey Riddle

O-O what?

tech replied lol

Golden ichor of long past - Refers to god’s blood/the ability to use magic is fading.

Do your best to make it last - A threat is attempting to end god’s blood(golden ichor)

Fire the furnace that burns still
even if you have to inherit its will - Discussed later

the sword of time pierces all - Likely refers to a harpe which Kronos used to kill Ouranos and that’s why it’s sometimes called The Sword of Time.

brace yourself for its fall. - Preparation of the next line

Those who sow the wind,
shall reap the whirlwind - This is where I propose my theory

I think the riddle’s talking about Typhon, the father of Monsters made purely to “reign over mortals and immortals”. The first line could be referring to Typhon attempting to exterminate Golden ichor and it’s our job in AO to stop him or something idk. The second line could be explained by how Zeus was destined to die like his fathers before him and Typhon was supposed to kill him in his “will,” but going back to harpes(The type of sickle/sword) Zeus used a harpe to slay Typhon in certain accounts of Greek mythology as well thus “the sword of time” pierced Typhon or Zeus’ “will”. Since Zeus is long dead, it’ll likely be us defeating Typhon to avoid “mortals” being ruled. The references to furnaces and whirlwinds likely have to do with Typhon being the god/giant/monster of Volcanic energy and Typhoons(Strong Wind).

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he’s been speaking straight facts, I too am disappointed

i like this one over everything else tbh

wow, I think you solved it!

In the future, try to not reply to topics that have been dead for a long time

This topic is aight, but @Darkzoul11234 just make sure it’s relevant and adds to the conversation as long as you do

ok if you say so

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typhon isn’t even confirmed to exist, plus what monsters even exist in the Arcane universe

me and wissen, another riddlist, tried that one and the Sword of Hesphatesus a long time ago back in the first riddle and we got it turned down

also zeus didn’t die from being struck down by typhon, he died from being overthrown by Prometheus

furnaces? hesphaestus is more associated with furnaces, being the god of fire and blacksmiths

zeus is more the god of strong wind, as he controls the skies and lightning and is the father of the universe

I’m talking about Greek mythology dumbass

The first furnace was made in 1805, I don’t think blacksmithing matters here

No he isn’t, Typhon is the god of literal Typhoons which is the literal definition of strong wind.

Greek mythology is confirmed to exist

I don’t think mine is right because of Tech’s inconsistency when it comes to Greek mythology in AA but there are much better reasons such as “Typhon had never been mentioned before in AA, why now?” or “Unlikely because Typhon wouldn’t have a large purpose especially if it isn’t an unknown.”

now ain’t this something
alternatively, though, tech might’ve liked this comment to also throw people off, so…

he actually said that ichor is a word used in place of something else, ichor isn’t actually relevant or at least i think

instead of ichor, we must find the actual word

could be anything really

  • could be actual blood, like a lineage/ancestry
  • could be a magic power that can somehow be transmitted
  • doesn’t even have to be something “transmitted”. Could just be something else that can fizzle out.
  • long shot, but could be an ideology, even.

the sky’s the limit with this kind of stuff

most likely magical blood.

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huh wdym
