Arcane Odyssey Riddle

The whirlwind is coming home?
What home?

Is it the actions of the player?

hhmmmm, interesting

but being surprised doesnt mean he’s right. Tech said this 5 mins prior to that message:


Or he could’ve said that to just mess with us because he’s that kinda person. but ngl, i do think they arent connected.

Hmm, now that I think about it, the Numbers riddle (just gonna call it that now) was actually created BEFORE the revamp, so its WoM stuff.

However, AO’s story definitely took the important parts and the rough outlines for WoM’s og storyline. So it could still apply to AO, but yeah… Might not be hinting at ideas specifically made after revamp announcement tho (like Morden as a character, tho there mightve been an equivalent in the past)

The only connection I could make about the number is that “3” is “1 and 2” together. Unless… “1 and 2” actually means “double 1” which is 11… I think thats a stretch, so might be the former.
This is way too vague :sweat_smile:

Honestly all this has me thinking is the following:
Golden Ichor is us (of course)

"fire the furnace that burns still,… "
I assume Iris or Warren dies
“even if you have to inherit its will”
its will is a darker bold so presumably Morden takes on whoever dies final will (Warren makes the most sense for this currently as a potential teacher like Theos)

“the sword of time pierces all, brace yourself for its fall.”
Probably related to Neviro, Revon, and the history of their kingdoms.

“Those who sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind.”
No idea

this entire thread is just textwall heaven lol

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This is where I thrive man. Lmao

Random theory idk if this has been brought up:
What if the riddle is sort of like a ‘motto’ for the Order of Aesir.
It makes sense,
“Golden ichor of long past, do your best to make it last” being a message for the Order to preserve the Ichor."
The rest of the riddle just being motivation to focus on the mission.
“Those who sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind.” as some sort of reward for their actions.

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I also thought of something but not quite related to this?
What if it refers to the past of when nero nuked the cassia bay?
Reap the whirlwind: referring to the tornado?
Golden ichor of long past, do your best to make it last: The curse being passed down the generations
Fire the furance that burns still:
Referring to the light that the king has
The sword of time peirces all: Regarding when the king ended the winterveil kingdom
Brace yourself for its fall: Maybe referring to the fact that the king died and the tensions between Keraxe and Sameria are
now high?

Unlikely, I feel like this is more so related to the story as a whole rather than one kingdom.

Golden ichor of long past, do your best to make it last,…
The gods are present in the game, at the very least Poseidon is. Theoretically, there are probably pockets of people out there who gain higher concentrations of ichor, perhaps not necessarily from a god but it could be representative of our potential. Theos was a giga prodigy, and his name translated to God in Greek, we and Theos probably have a higher concentration of ichor in our blood. Although when it comes to “make it last”, I don’t know… Perhaps by pushing ones self they can inadvertently burn up their ichor (after all, we aren’t gods), or perhaps the order plans to take said ichor from us. Nevertheless, the ichor in our blood, or what ichor we have, is proof that we have the potential to reach godly heights.

fire the furnace that burns still, even if you have to inherit its will,…
Honestly, considering that Vetex wants to repeat the sky sea-ists of AA. This probably is an indication that Warren is probably going to die in the story, taking on the role of Theos but for Morden. Both are ancient curse users, and I assume Morden and Warren will become much closer considering Morden is still new to all of this and needs a mentor.

the sword of time pierces all, brace yourself for its fall.
If I had to guess, this either relates to that time tornado in blasted rock, or something more thematic. Revon and Neviro’s kingdoms have a spotty history to put it lightly…

  1. Revon works with Neviro, but then kills him, repeating history. Such an act at a particular moment would be enough to shock our group. Couple this with a potential Ravenna army invading the area and chasing us away or surroundings us (Revon with a curse potentially). Perhaps this is a situation in which Warren himself could perish, Revon in this case I feel could find his grandfather’s curse (Nero’s Apocalypse Bringer) and repeat history on another kingdom (potentially multiple kingdoms in his madness for revenge).
  2. This is related to the order, and potentially the Titans. Vetex DID mention in another topic something about us being able to go to Tartarus later in the story. To me, this seems more likely, and notably Kronos/Cronos is the titan who commands time. If I had to guess, there will/could be a titan resurgence, and we may have to go to war (us having ichor blood bringing us closer to that of a god).

Those who sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind
The order in their attempt to bring about a new age of magic will risk untold levels of destruction to the world and likely annihilate themselves. We simply cannot defeat the order normally, and I assume the leader of the order might be quite elusive when we do reach him (and powerful). Even if we defeat the leader, there is a chance he might not even be needed in the end to continue the order, and someone else will take up the mantle and trigger the aforementioned cataclysmic event.

Okay, was just talking to someone about the riddle, and I just got struck with a realization whilst replying back.

What if you reverse the stanzas in the riddle except for the final one?

Suddenly, the lines makes more sense? Or at least, it seems to flow better?

“Do your best to make it last, golden ichor of long past”
“Even if you have to inherit its will, fire the furnace that burns still”
“Brace yourself for its fall, the sword of time pierces all”
“Those who sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind”

The first line sounds like its referring to a person somehow… like, the MC or Morden? Since theyre both legacies to the Gods.

Just a cool thing to mention

Did you mean the funniest prank ever?

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I can actually see that as Tech probs did say “no” to the theories that were indeed correct lmao

Isnt the sword of time supposed to be refferred to the retconned sond the blood flower? The samurai with a wooden sword infused with his time curse?

I dont think thats what its referring to, cause even back then, Sond’s canonicity wasn’t really solid. (Back then, Tech made a list of book ideas before removing it on the Trello, including Sond’s story, but even that book had a question mark, implying that they werent even sure abt allowing him to exist).

I dont think it refers to Sond even if he’s canon as this should be main story stuff, not side stuff, and I think Sond wouldve been a side thing.

The most common theory around is that it referring to Kronos, but even that is very questionable to me. It has to be something in-game because Tech has said its supposed to be completely solvable by now. (I think only the first stanza was cracked)

I did play with the idea that all three stanzas could refer to Morden (Tech did tease about a part of the riddle possibly being abt him), but Im not sure

After reading it again, im pretty sure its talking about the main character and his possible godly heritage

Yeah, I think its hinted thats the case because Tech liked two comments remarking the such.

Idk abt the rest. I was in a discussion with someone and I played with the possibility abt it all referring to Morden once, (he’s also a legacy like MC, so first line could refer to him), but even then Im not entitely sure.

Tbf I personnaly think the most straighfoward options are the best, our character is probably one of the last people with god blood and it’s telling us to make it last.
(tech did say we were not god heirs way before ao released, but that was probably a lie).
The second line I think means that to destroy this great threat, we might have to “attune” or awake one of the sleeping gods maybe, specifically Prometheus since he gave magic and it says “furnace”, we need to use his power to win, even if we must become his vessel or marionet or some sort.
I think the third line is very simple, the sword of time just represents the fact we don’t have much time left, the War Seas are falling into war and the Order is getting close to their goals.
The fourth line has so many interpertations I ain’t even gonna bother.
That’s my personal thinking for the riddle.

I really think “the furnace” could be Prometheus or Magic in humans itself, it was said that magic (the pure, primitive form) is dying out, but it’s still relevant only because we’re getting more “elaborate” ways of usnig it.
So we might have to “fire” or “revive” Prometheus/Magic.

The golden ichor is surely about the mc’s godly bloodline.
The sword of time that pierces all may be referring to the fall of mount olympus?
The furnace may be referring to poseidon making sure the mc carries on the god’s will.
The last one may be referring to the horrors the mc and morden have witnessed while under the order, hence why they want to eliminate it