Arcane Odyssey Riddle

the fall of olymus was a long long time ago

Doesnt mean it wasnt an important event

I personally really liked AMultiversalEntity’s interpretation that the second stanza about the Furnace actually means “Fight fire with fire”, with the Furnace being the Order itself that turned out to be still burning after all this time. “Even if you have to inherit its will” basically means “Even if you become same fire in the furnace to burn down it down”.

I connected this with Morden taking the Death Curse. The Order wanted to have the Death Curse, but instead, Morden took it, and you can interpret it as “inheriting its will”. Morden basically inherited what the Order wanted.

This could be further connected with what MC might do in the future. With the Order gone, no one to keep the War Seas together, MC might have to create a group similar to the Order (just without the, “furthering the reaches of magic at all costs” goal), to prevent it from rising ever again, thus, putting out the Furnace for good, by inheriting its will and becoming something better.

(Hell, thus could even apply to PK with the Absorption Curse if you think about it!)

The third line, I thought it could refer to death. Why does Tucker’s grave have a sword in it at the end? What is the one thing that “pierces all”, something so inevitable to everyone? Death. And I ended up connecting that to Morden as well :sweat_smile:

Well, Tech did say something about smaller hints that seems to be related to death (about becoming a spirit?)

I realised there was a pattern, but idk if this was just a coincidence and all. Why would there be a riddle so dedicated to Morden…? :sweat_smile:

Well, unless he’s that so important (he could be)

my guess is the first stanza is pretty much just the mc being a descendent of the gods.
the second refers to maybe the place where curses were made or just curses in general and the inherit its will is refering to the absorption of curses.
the third references either the unstopable nature of time, or kronus’s return, or perhaps both.
the fourth is basically, those who make friends with people high potential when their still weak, will have powerful allies after they journey to become stronger.

It’s true Curses do seem to have some sort of will, but it’s been confirmed the mc wont get a Curse

Though… Im not entirely sure if that really is referring to the story entirely, or just ingame.

It might work like how it did for PK, where they get the curse AFTER the events of the game, so players dont get a Curse in-game, but does necessarily stop them from getting one later down after the game and main story. (Vetex said the same thing for AA, but turns out AA MC was planned to get Absorption Curse at the end, it just wasnt obtainbable)

So I wouldnt entirely cross out that possibility just yet.

I was more of thinking about the folks we befriend and ally with along the way

hi guys what is happening

I think that the fourth is referencing what the order has done
they’ve experimented on the main character and thus somehow increased their potential. (sowing the wind)
however, now that the MC is free, they’re going to use that potential to bring down the order. (reaping the whirlwind) (Also quite literally, since technically all current bosses that are part of the order have a whirlwind-type attack (not including Elius since he technically isn’t part of the order yet))

generally, a whirlwind isn’t really a symbol of good, so it wouldn’t make much sense to tie that to growing stronger alongside friends. But it could be both, since they both make sense.

Golden Ichor of long past uhmmm i think liek our character got the blood of a god in his veins i’m guessing in our first awakening when poseidon ‘‘dies’’ and gives us that sphere thingy that might actually be his blood and we need to make good use of it aka making it last.

fire the furnace that burns still, blah blah this one is kind of hard but maybe there are people still trying to stop the order of aesir’s ambition and firing the furnace is like keeping it alive by helping them (this is so cringe)and inheritting its will uhh idk ur gonna become the leader eventually of this force ig

the sword of time pierces all brace yourself for its fall :joy: no idea bro since the game has some inspirations from one piece i’m guessing we’re going through a timeskip or something and we get older it’s inevitable anyway i’m already 26 in game

those who sow the wind shall reap the whirwind bro i think the order end up getting what they wanted but it goes out of control and kills them all end of arcane oddysey

Wow, it’s been a long time since I was last here. What’d I miss?
I’m ready to riddle again, get ready Tech.

To not clog this up, you can read my ever-growing theories here.

Hello everyone. I decided to read this entire comment section and this has been a few days in the making. Here we go.

First I’d like to clarify that I like @PinkButterflyGaming’s theory of trying it backward so I’m going to be basing this post on that. You can find that post here.

So let’s BEGIN!

“Do your best to make it last, golden ichor of long past.”

Referring to @The_Legend_7.0 post regarding the riddle which is quoted below, they mention:

If we take the quote and try to insert this theory into the quote “Do your best to make it last, golden ichor of long past.” You start to see it roughly can start to translate into the following:

The golden ichor means the blood of the gods that are magical and powerful. When we take into consideration that in Ancient Greece, sacrifice was considered to be important for the gods to get more powerful, we can also see Aurem being a part of this. Where animals were the way that gods got powerful in Ancient Greece, in the Arcane Universe lore the gods got powerful through Aurem (mostly made Prometheus powerful though).

However, what ended up happening though is that Aurem also boosted the power of the person sacrificing the Aurem. This ended up resulting in as we all know Cursebeard raiding Mount Olympus and forcing Prometheus to create sea curses. Aurem as we know it doesn’t “officially” exist in AO but maybe in future updates it will?

What if instead of it being about the golden ichor of the gods, it was about the sea curses? Think about golden ichor as the life of the gods, but didn’t Prometheus also create the sea curses thus breathing life into them? It also could explain why Tech implied that it could have to do with Morden since he has the death curse, and you know who also so happens to have a death-related curse. Lazarus except it functions differently but we all know it has to do with reviving and getting stronger. Even though Prometheus was forced, it technically kind of reminds me of parallels between the origin story of the clay also known as the Gold People, Silver People, and Bronze People. I can’t remember if that was Christianity or one of the ancient mythologies but I know SOMEWHERE it exists. That’s what it kind of reminds me of. :person_shrugging:

If we consider the first part of it, “do your best to make it last”.
It could imply that there’s a big battle coming for the Player, possibly to do with nations or something and that it could end up resulting in powerful beings clashing with each other and destroying part of the world reminiscent of the past with Durza and Theos as well as the Peacekeeper and Durza. If we take into consideration that the origin story of one of the towns in WoM was that a guy with the last name of Steel or Metal or something, I forget his name got people together to sail to Magius to restart because there was supposedly a “disaster” that made them leave, it would make sense it has to do with the following:

“Do your best to make it last” means that get people together so humanity isn’t wiped out.

“The golden ichor of long past” A user who has a sea curse got people together and brought people to the new land to settle and the sea curse is being passed on.

Quick thank you to @MatsMan for giving an image regarding the Ichor which can be found here.

“Even if you have to inherit its will, fire the furnace that burns still”

“Fire the furnace” that burns still.

Fire the furnace is bolded. When you take into consideration fire the furnace has literally two words in it that have to do with fire, fire and furnace you start to think okay, they’re fighting fire with fire meaning that there are two words with a fire and then a third word with fire. Hmmm… that’s a little strange.

Could the third word mean that fighting fire with fire results in a bigger flame? Perhaps a war with the Order to defeat them once and for all?

Brace yourself for its fall, the sword of time pierces all.

Brace yourself for the collapse of the order. The time of fighting the order will eventually result in death.

Those who sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind

Every action has consequences and the player will have to deal with those consequences either by becoming the next Peacekeeper or something else.


These are your first steps…

Now I also thought it was strange that Tech had the name of the file as These are your first steps and when I clicked on it I got 1920x1080 257 KB
Okay, 1920x1080 means absolutely nothing. It’s just the resolution but the 257 stood out to me so I looked it up and it SO Happens that 257 has a special meaning.

It has to do with change. And in Ravenna CALVUS DIED! They changed kings, and thus change resulted in the Order’s influence kind of being less prevalent in Ravenna!

Then there’s the fact that there were other implications such as the change will result in a new world order in AO. ¯\ _(ツ) _ /¯

my guy is answering a four year old riddle which chatgpt could solve

how many hours did it take you

20 ngl. 5 hours per a day.
I think it was 20 idk. i need sleep.

A quick thing I wanted to add to this:
Vetex finally clarified about Spirit Weapons to the best of his recollection.

Do with this what you will about the riddle, but a few things caught my attention:

“Golden ichor of long past, do your best to make it last”
The Gods are made from both Chaos and Creation’s energies. A perfect mixture of magic and soul energies, most likely…
Let’s assume that this part of the riddle means we’re descended from the Gods - like how Vetex has clarified would be the only way to exert your soul’s power outward.
This makes a lot of sense with what the Order of Aesir has been seeking. Human experimentation? The advancement of magic at all costs? Calvus sensing something in us? Randal too, but he’s basically all-knowing and not with the Order so…
Of course. What better source of magical research… Than to use the last remnants of the Gods whom gave mankind magic?

Now, what for? I wouldn’t even know. But I’d say this only reinforces the theory about the player, Tucker, and Morden.

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yeah there’s a ghost in the ds that says (something like)“what were those gods thinking, giving them those spirit weapons?”

Ichor is aurem. I had come up with that 4 years ago in the Discord chat and Tech sort of confirmed it. I can’t be arsed to go back and find it, however.

Spirit weapons aren’t big enough of a story element as Sea Curses to be what the Order is experimenting with.