Arcane Odyssey Riddle

You uh, you missed the point.
It’s about the fact that the MC is even more likely to be a demigod.

I’m aware, and I didn’t address that point because it doesn’t apply in any way to the story. Which God are they a descendant of? etc etc

Also the followers of the Gods, who were NOT demigods, could use spirit weapons, so there clearly is no relation here.

issue is, we kinda have to be descendants of the use spirit weapons.

not only are there pretty much no gods to bless their followers with spirit weapons, even if there were, our access to spirit weapons would be cut off probably after we lost our memory, and by extension our devotion to the gods.

demigod is unlikely, however a descendant of a demigod is pretty likely.

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Actually, it might. Vetex once refused to expand on Spirit Weapons further because he said they were “spoilers”. Thats why there’s a lack of information on them in the first place.

Now that there’s clear information right there, I could see why. Because its connected to MC’s lineage. We know MC has a deeper relation to the gods, most likely a descendant, but Spirit Weapons might actually reveal more about the lore of the gods, thats why they’re meant to be hidden.

My theory for a while is that Aurem actually came from the descendants of the gods. Well, after they pass away. Tech sneakily asks “What is Aurem?” when Aurem was connected to the first stanza.

I just had a random thought while doing a treasure chart on Frostmill one day. When doing one in snowy areas, you get arctic crystals, which I remember says that its snow concentrated with magic energy, causing it to crystallise. I had a thought “Hey, what if thats what Aurem is?”.

Something that was crystallized due to magic energy…

Thats why there were so many found underground thanks to mining after the War of the Gods. Because perhaps a portion of the 40% of humanity that got killed and buried during that war… were demigods/descendants.

this is now making me form a theory that aurem is either crystallized spirit energy, which is why burning it empowers gods, or if aurem is crystallized ichor and ichor naturally is supercharged with spirit energy, so burning it empowers the gods. In the 2nd theory, the ichor that formed into aurem came from the gods fighting with the titans to explain why aurem existed before the gods died.

im about to get cooked in the inevitable essay that will come aren’t I?

The theory I had still explains why they were around before the Gods died though. Gods still wouldve had demigods and descendants long before they died. Even during the 1000 years before Magic was gifted to humanity. Thats why Aurem existed for a long time.

I also thought of the possibility that Tucker might show us this process over time, which is why we can see the progression of decay.

It could also explain how Arthur found a loophole and basically EXP farmed lol. Though it makes the whole thing more chilling now that I think abt it…

so your saying Arthur spawncamped the 2.5 million children Zeus probably ended up fathering

We do know that he also seemed to be against Spirit Weapons if that Dark Sea ghost dialogue is any indication, so he probably did also kill a lot of demigods too. (I actually was thinking of writing a storyline similar to that, but after the War of the Gods, but since lore knowledge of the past is largely unknown, I didnt really focus on it much)

perhaps not what spirit weapons themself, but more of what you said.

if the ghost was from the period before arthur threw hands with the gods, then he would go after spirit weapon users for aurem as your theory said. If the ghost from during/after the war of the gods, then it would be because spirit weapons users would be naturally hostile to him as they’re either children/descendants of the gods he killed or the followers of gods he killed.

Offtopic, but after three years, this thread finally reach 1k posts :joy:

crystallized life remnant fr

Spoilers as they’d reveal a large part of Arcane Odyssey’s PvP mechanics, what they can do in the story likely isn’t as big as a Grand Curse, hence why I lean toward that as the solution to the spirit weapons. Remember that the text has color to it.

Aurem is crystallized magic energy. If it was spirit energy, you’d gain better control over spirit weapons and could eventually create just like the Gods.

aurem was burned to empower the gods not mankind,
the reason people got stronger for burning aurem was so that Prometheus would give them magic in return, and would strengthen it the more it was burned

Bruh… I know that. It was to incentivize them into gaining more magic power. The point is that Aurem is condensed magic, if it was spirit energy and it functioned the same way, you’d have different powers.

I think what theyre trying to get here is that Aurem might have something to do with Spirit Energy than Magic Energy because lore states that only GODS can actually absorb Aurem and become stronger. Seems to be emphasised enough to be important at least. And we now know that only Gods and their descendants can use Spirit Energy naturally.

So the two might be connected is what theyre saying I think.

how do I explain this better

aurem burning —> increases god strength, gods use spirit powers.

god (specifically Prometheus) —> give mortal magic / make mortal magic more powerful.

aurem burning --X-- make mortal magic more powerful / give them magic.

therefore, since gods or their kids use spirit energy, and only gods DIRECTLY benefit from aurem burning, aurem is presumbably crystalized spirit energy / crystalized ichor.

Perssonaly I’ve always wondered if Aurem wasn’t crystallized Ichor or something

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Golden ichor, huh…