Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

Death ray

20 amount blasts also do big damage when charged, 80-100 per blast. That’s probably the same thing for beams

i deal the same amount of dmg, pvp with someone and didnt notice the anti-run effect

maybe im blind to notice a 10% speed in warrior


i asked and someone said they are in, but for me everything feels the same, the server was updated as well

Multis are bugged

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Well it’ll stay until next month :man_shrugging:

High amount multis are rarely used anyway so I guess it gets some more usage from a bug lol

v1.11’s initial updates for bug fixes/changes before v1.12

Damn, that was fast.

I would like to thanks for the balancers and vetex for fixing/buffing Vindicator, shit is great

Reduce endlag on vindicator moves and add those suggestion passives for warrior that were suggested due to heavy loss of aoe

heavy loss of aoe aight bro

Warrior plays almost the exact same for me idk what you guys are saying. Although, those new additions would be cool but Vetex said “nah” I guess and ignored it

yo what the HELL is new thermo fist

idk if i haven’t gotten used to it yet or what but the instant drain is so weird, my heat starts draining before my moves even finish

also i swear magic speed doesn’t affect crash’s leap distances, i have full magic speed + speed mode why am i not teleporting into the floor

Crash’s distance is now affected by agility, but its travel speed is still increased by attack speed.

i haven’t noticed a speed difference either, the only difference between 0 attack speed and 125 attack speed is the startup time from what i’ve seen

maybe i need to do more testing

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I still find using any atk speed armor insanely laughable. Unless your using something that is innately fast or a swirly enchant on weapons, that shit is ass and I see barely any change especially on shot.

O wait it’s still on the doc so atk speed hasn’t been fixed yet, ya imma avoid that shit like the plague.

just ran some tests: the balance changes are lies. 100 attack speed sent me further

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As far as I can tell none of the atk speed and agility stuff has NOT been added besides for crash and spiraling fury

Wait a sec

he didn’t even fix vitality’s energy cap