Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

I don’t really feel the explosion speed startup and endlag difference. Used crystal and lightning placed explosion and feel that the speed isn’t that significant (I don’t notice a difference). Had around 66 atk speed on armour.

Can anyone else test or it might be lag?

This funny af

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The Water sailor is real! Where is the 6 DoT coming from? Also the ! behind 373, is that new?

Probably bleeding from taking 33% damage

Defo not the same

Best part is, its only slightly higher than blast while being at 20% size


does anyone know if light conj weapons also have the stacking damage thing from blinded

they should but most imbuement synergies are bugged rn so unsure

can savants get a small AoE increase for the first awakening?

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Reduce the endlag on vindicator moves.

Idk what’s going on, if this is a bug or something, but I hope it gets fixed as soon as possible, I’m a light user and I don’t want to get trashed on because my magic is abusable :skull:

Death ray

20 amount blasts also do big damage when charged, 80-100 per blast. That’s probably the same thing for beams

i deal the same amount of dmg, pvp with someone and didnt notice the anti-run effect

maybe im blind to notice a 10% speed in warrior


i asked and someone said they are in, but for me everything feels the same, the server was updated as well

Multis are bugged

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Well it’ll stay until next month :man_shrugging:

High amount multis are rarely used anyway so I guess it gets some more usage from a bug lol

v1.11’s initial updates for bug fixes/changes before v1.12

Damn, that was fast.