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are thermo or sailor still a good option even tho crystal doesn’t have any synergy at all with them?



I don’t think it matters what magic creates the steam. I’m pretty sure steam is its own magic, just only available via imbuing, which means it has its own stats that wont change depending on whats applying steam.

I imagine it uses fire’s stats since it uses a mirror of its status which would make the stats
dmg: .825
speed: 1
Size: 1.1
Regardless what you use to create steam.

As an alternative you could just use plasma thermo as both burn and scorch synergize well with plasma and fire-like, and would stack their respective dots.
Plasma also leans into the speed of thermo more.

what shot size do you recommend and when do i use them

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Not sure if my math is the correct formula but I used an uncharged 100% crash with no knockback and +70% seawater.

Unimbued: 155
127 no power
Steam (plasma): 145
119 no power

I get imbued base damage is 0.8653…
0.866732283464567 with no power
which is higher than (0.8 * 1.1 * 0.925) = 0.814

Which value is the dmg? Whats the 155 and 145

if 127 is the unimbued dmg and steam is using the dmg of fire it would be a multiplier of .925.
127 *.925 = 119
If it was using plasma’s dmg
127 * .9 = 114

*Warlock has had the +.1 to the affinity before update.

I think I had 40 power equipped, removed them later and editted

Ah thanks I thought it was *1.1 but its +0.1 so steam has fire stats

70 and 20% on anything except thermo or boxing idk about cannon fist just use 100 on thermo and boxing

is thermo plasma good

Do you like my idea in going as a shadow imbued sailor style user?

shadow imbue on anything is a net positive. it’s a pure stat increase with absolutely no downsides and a status, as well as access to magic. shadow warlock >> zerker in every situation.

Drazen W

yes double dot + they’re pretty much the same stats

yeah sailor is busted rn
it doesnt do anything but it does do damage

ok good cause i’ve been leveling it up all day

Not necessarily, what all hybrids lack compared to pure builds is not just the awakening, the tiers are also lost. Tiers are +100, +200 past the skill requirement so fighting style hybrids can only get t2 crash. The size buff from tiers is very high, so if you wanna go with a size style it tends to be better (feels like 25-30% per tier; at least the same as a 1.2x imbuement and 150 size stat). For speed not really, since I don’t think tiers affect speed (which they really should, idk if they do).

friendly reminder that beserkers using thermo fist can’t use another fighting style because for some stupid reason it doesn’t charge heat unlike every hybrid.

also how tf does a warlock beat a beserker in a clash

I’m saying not every situation, if you for some reason wanna go size even though base size on fighting styles sucks, berserker is better.

tiers are the least important to fighting styles by a massive margin lol

also warlock size boost on imbue + shadow imbue already make it considerably larger than a 250 str berserker, this point makes no sense

honestly yeah all tiers do is make them look a tiny bit cooler

the ONLY thing beserker has over warlock is axe slash, which is giant and hits really hard