Are Good and Evil Objective?

“Evil” is not subjective, lmfao. It exist

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evil doesn’t exist
evil isn’t real
evil is just a human creation
you can’t quantify “evil”
evil is entirely subjective


evil does exist,
evil is real,
evil is indeed a human creation to explain behaviour,
you can definitely quantify evil
and it is indeed entirely subjective tho alot of people can agree that someone who kills alot of people for no reason is evil

Evil is just what people think ISNT good.


Evil, it’s just an outcast to society.

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quantify evil, I’ll be waiting

you can regard someone or something you don’t like as evil,
but that still doesn’t mean shit

depending on how you act/behave you could be more or less evil. Say you compare a criminal who only stole once to a mass murderer/dicator then 99% of the human population would say that a mass murderer/dictator is more evil than that criminal.

And it does mean shit if alot of people regard something or someone as evil lmao

But back to the point, evil and good do exist in wom in the form of rep

however, if that mass murderer/dictator thinks what hes doing is justified,
and numerous people also think they’re justified, and perhaps even working for “good”
then doesn’t calling them evil conflict with each other?
you still can’t definitively define evil

rep only means being with the magic council or against it

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Evil exists but is subjective. They are not mutually exclusive qualities. e.e

But I think “malice” or something to that tune is far better than “evil”


If a majority thinks something is evil then its evil, if a majority thinks something is good then its good

The magic council is seen as the protectors of the people against villains and hero therefor their opinion of you (rep) basically means if youre good hearted or bad hearted and have good or bad intentions

There is a thing called Chaos though, so possibly it can be changed, and another possibility could be to invoke a “good” counterpart to chaos

aight thx for the suggestion, ill change it to malice then

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Or the invoke the presence of chaos

aight changed it to: the desire to harm others and the desire to protect others, i def agree that these are better terms to use tho my opinion on evil and good still stands

still incorrect

I don’t think mere mortals could directly invoke chaos
there isn’t a “good” counterpart to chaos either
power doesn’t just come from nowhere

Again, what is considered evil and good are both subjective, being entirely dependent on one’s experiences, values, morals, and views.

Chaos is also a wholly malevolent being, only existing to cause destruction and yet at the same time it’s the reason for all Magic. It only comes nearer when you abuse its gift and attract it.

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its correct since most npcs in wom agree with it

Yea, I get that, but it could be interesting to have a “good counterpart” that could influence melee fighting, and could be invoked but it could be lore breaking so idk

I mean-

Large agreement doesn’t make something objective, it just means that’s the general opinion of an isolated event. Which is extremely subject to change, just look at scandals where the victim is proven to be faking it.

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that is true tho the general opinion can definitely be used to justify something